Example sentences of "[noun sg] might [vb infin] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 By creating a mode of Repertory Grid Technique specific to visual art and making it available through the personal computer , this area full of complexity and uncertainty might come to be both better understood and more widely valued .
2 In the heat of the immediate events of 1898 , however , while denouncing the excessive leniency of the law , The Times ( 17 August 1898 ) had boomed out an even more momentous possibility that ‘ un-English ’ violence might have to be curbed by un-English methods :
3 Last night analysts were speculating that this figure might have to be increased to cover the overstatements .
4 Against this we have to set the disadvantage that re-investigation might come to be considered as a disciplinary review .
5 A group of Bengali mothers who attend their children 's primary school in East London to be helped towards an understanding of English language and the mysteries of local government administration might appear to be making an insignificant contribution to their children 's educational well being .
6 The Coulson Chair was established in the knowledge that Theoretical Chemistry was making significant contributions to Physical , Organic , and Inorganic Chemistry besides becoming an established field in its own right , and it was envisaged that the professor might choose to be associated with the work of any of the laboratories .
7 Eventually the experience might have to be repeated , in her own defence , but she could not hope to find much more in it than she had found in this first venture .
8 At first sight this provision might seem to be a contradiction in terms , but some light is cast upon it by the Declaration appended at the end of the Single European Act , which , whatever its legal status may be , states that the conference considered that the provisions of Article 130R(5) ( 2 ) did not affect the principles resulting from the judgment handed down by the European Court in the ERTA case .
9 A decision might have to be made about the number of elderly people for which it is possible to take responsibility in any one family .
10 ‘ If they are unable , the decision might have to be re-considered . ’
11 For example measurement is possible in the presence of spreading , though a correction might have to be applied , but it is impossible in the flooded state .
12 The next case might appear to be a bit shorter , but in fact it asks you to consider rather more factors , over a longer period , and from a rather higher management level .
13 Our next case might appear to be a return to the single unit problem , but it is actually more complex than that .
14 Peter Palumbo also hinted that , in the current squeeze , public money might have to be limited to centres of excellence and innovation .
15 But although at first the converse might appear to be true , I believe it 's actually more difficult ( and therefore expensive ) to assemble a worthwhile bass that functions with pleasing efficiency — particularly in this cost-conscious area .
16 The Commissioner said that unless ministers relented , the issue might have to be resolved by an appeal to the European Court of Justice .
17 If the situation is not resolved within months , the rescue plan might cease to be viable .
18 To advocate the starting of the process on a very young child might appear to be heartless , but the overriding need to generate within the child mind the beginning of a conscience and the instinctive urge to activate it , must be the guiding factor .
19 This internal seniority structure and pattern of mobility might seem to be the sole mechanism underlying the making and breaking of gangs .
20 At first sight this question might seem to be a nonsense : since , as we have seen , a reasonable definition of the Universe is ‘ everything that has , does and will exist ’ , surely there can not be more than one of them ?
21 Profound disappointment and frustration , however , awaited those — especially in Britain — who hoped that American involvement in the First World War might prove to be the first step towards an on-going partnership .
22 Below another , lower , level , the applicant would normally be refused ( although in some firms this refusal might have to be confirmed by a credit assessor , checking the proposal form for any special circumstances ) .
23 any sudden crisis might have to be dealt with by key individuals with emergency powers ( power culture ) ;
24 I have alerted the Director of Education to the likelihood that a decision on whether or not to take up the school site might need to be taken sooner than originally thought .
25 The report also speculated that the move might prove to be a political asset for the ruling Golkar grouping ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for June 9 , 1992 .
26 At times , the relationship between my penis and the rest of my body might appear to be a classic case of the tail wagging the dog .
27 Such a record might appear to be an occasion for delight in consumers and pride in the industry , but it did not in fact arise from efficiency increases ( indeed physical indices of efficiency showed a decline because of inadequate investment in new plant ) .
28 Whereas young men as a matter of course would study the classics , women would be instructed in painting , music , dancing , modern languages , or other accomplishments , but rarely would they be expected to achieve real competence Indeed , a learned woman was likely to experience difficulty finding a husband , and education might cease to be any advantage .
29 One source told The Scotsman yesterday that if the situation deteriorated further , the pit might have to be closed temporarily and kept on a care and maintenance basis only .
30 the other lecturer might seem to be
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