Example sentences of "[noun sg] where a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She eased her sticking back from the car seat up to a cafe where a boy with slanting eyes and a towel tied round his waist wiped a table clean for them , then shook a filthy cloth over it with a flourish .
2 For example , in Mali , resources flow from the poor peasant to the urban sector where a variety of powerful classes live and realise that surplus .
3 We went in and were ushered into the hall where a number of other new children were looking at books of photos of school trips and events .
4 And you 've all seen and probably participated in the scene where a sequence of such meeting is brought to its climax by one partner coming right out with the movie cliché ‘ We ca n't go on meeting like this ’ or less effectively ‘ Long time no see ! ’
5 She jumped out and ran through the swing doors and over to a desk where a nurse in a white uniform sat waiting .
6 As he stood guard in the hut where a handful of police had taken refuge , a terrible fear possessed him .
7 It reached a point where a number of people 's art collections began to be more valuable than the businesses that had allowed them to buy in the first place . ’
8 This is the point where a number of difficult areas converge : society 's ambivalence about sexuality and people with learning difficulties ; a tradition of segregation ; a lingering concern about eugenics ; a shameful history of ( enforced ) sterilisation ; a proper concern about vulnerable children ; and their right to due protection from neglect and abuse — set against an increasing recognition that people with learning difficulties should enjoy the same rights to an ordinary life in our society as anyone else , including the rights to be parents .
9 They had heard it some time before they reached it , the rumble of thunder growing louder as they approached , to become almost deafening at the point where a cloud of spray hovered overhead , the droplets becoming tiny rainbows as they caught the sun .
10 It considers the way in which we might make a reality of the observation ( by Keith Joseph ) that ‘ the curriculum should be relevant to the real world and pupils ’ experience of it' by considering the range of challenges and opportunities which people face in , say , the domestic environment , often regarded as too trivial for ‘ academic ’ education , but where arguably most important economic , technical and social decisions are made and acted upon : in the community where a host of issues require an informed public to exercise judgment and active commitment to ensure that the quality of the social and physical environment is constantly improved , and so on in other contexts which will require people to make an active and hopefully informed response , underlain by conceptual understanding of general issues to which , if taught effectively , geography , history , physical sciences and design , indeed all academic disciplines , can make a powerful contribution .
11 ALBION is a dot on a large-scale map of the Northern High Plains , a place where a couple of dirt roads cross in the unchanged landscape of the American Wild West .
12 Anti Nazi campaigners have demonstrated outside a salesroom where a painting by Adolph Hitler was being sold .
13 Place the acetate film gently across the lower margin of the specimen where a pool of acetone will have collected .
14 At the top of the stairs , somewhere beyond a short , misty journey , Jeopardy led Lucien into a room where a handful of musicians were preparing themselves for the coming performance .
15 ‘ Wait here , ’ said Mr Rochester , and went into the secret room where a shout of laughter greeted him .
16 Did you have any contact where a lot of times in the flats , with the housing office ?
17 We saw not another soul , even when we finally reached the clearing where a number of circular dustbin-sized holes had been neatly excavated in the red mud .
18 Can I pursue one point you 've made , Mr Courcier , you say there is nowhere in the York area where a settlement of say , five thousand
19 A little further on they had to skirt an area where a gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a lorry .
20 It is certainly an area where a variety of different needs and different expectations exist .
21 Southeast Asia is not the only area where a legacy of hatred , bitterness and injustice has meant that Japan has had to tread very carefully in her relationships .
22 The door , which was mid-centre of the back of the stand , opened into a protectively fenced-off area where a number of gleaming motorhomes had been parked .
23 I know of one private home in the Darlington area where a number of elderly residents would give their eye teeth to be in one or the other of the two Darlington homes being closed .
24 Another area where a policy of sustainable tourism is to be welcomed is the Himalaya .
25 Erm as it happens this is the area where a spring of mineral water here for er for us to exploit .
26 The street-lamps lining the promenade on the right bank glittered in the waters below the bridge where a flotilla of ghostly swans floated in the current .
27 And while her heart swelled — could he be saying that he thought she was lovely ? — a few seconds later he was steering the Mercedes around a bend and was then at once driving to the other side of the road where a kind of lay-by had been cut into a high mass of rock .
28 Er a number of and there 's a further example which I have written to the County Senior Safety Officer about er where there is a halt pedestrians coming on to a main road where a number of vehicles er bounce the pavements to get round traffic turning right at the junction .
29 The frets themselves are well seated , although there are a couple of marks in the ebony where a bit of over-enthusiastic end filing is evident .
30 We live in a society where a mass of information is collected for administrative purposes .
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