Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is morally the right thing to do , ’ said McFarlane , dropping it like a swift brick in among the parentheses and qualifications and regrets .
2 Yeah they put additional money in on the pilots but
3 Jack had to fill the coal scuttles , Kevin to bring in the logs , Aengus had to roll yesterday 's papers into sausage-like shapes which would be used for lighting the fires later , Gerry , who was meant to be the animal lover , had to take Oswald for a run in the park , and see that there was something on the bird table in the garden , and Ronan had to open the big heavy curtains in the front rooms , take the milk in from the steps and place it in the big fridge and brush whatever had to be brushed from the big granite steps leading up to the house .
4 I 've done all enquiries about putting the advert in for the temps .
5 To tell the width in between the walls obviously .
6 Here and there , they caught sight of a fluid red-gold figure in between the trees and once a huge oak tree seemed to bend forward as if inclining its head to inspect them .
7 The first in a new generation of colours , it has been developed as a result of Armitage Shanks ' research in to the tastes of today 's consumers .
8 Bear this in mind when you are working out a design that has ribby tendencies , since ribs do cling and you will need , not only extra stitches to cover the drawing in of the cables , but extra width to stop the fabric from clinging , should you want a fashionable over-sized baggy look .
9 If I could manage to absorb a tablet in between the bouts of vomiting it did stop the sickness and bring a pain-free sleep — but it left me too exhausted to do anything about enjoying life .
10 ‘ We will still be whipping the ball in from the wings as we have always done and we will continue with the style which brought us two trophies last season . ’
11 to adhere to the programme because the newly privatised the newly privatised Water Authority and British Rail could n't affo could n't afford the finance to put their share in to the grants from Brussels .
12 He thrust the lamp in among the mops and brooms , but he could see nothing .
13 Authenticity is evident in those small details which come only from experience , particularly in the moments of rest in between the assaults .
14 The predominant colours were black and scarlet , the midnight blue and holly green being used to relieve the border in between the rows of upholstery nails .
15 He seemed to have decided that now was the right time to clean the Great Hall floor and was poking the mop head in among the boys ’ legs , muttering to himself .
16 Like the ‘ Mef if they 'd been brought up in a Yorkshire pit village instead of some jessified ‘ forest ’ , but with scurrilous standing in for the keyboards , ‘ V ’ are an untutored Stooges. that 's the Three Stooges , mind .
17 One consequence is the appearance of sugar-transporting molecules which bring sugar in from the surroundings .
18 I hated pushing the medicine dropper in between the rows of teeth , now permanently bared , and the hot dry lips , and watching the milk dribble out at the comer because it would n't swallow .
19 she said there 's always dog in with the cleaners !
20 As they rode cautiously along , Fenella caught glimpses of movement in between the trees .
21 ‘ This one has been unfair to the players because there has not been enough cricket in between the Tests .
22 The campesinos kept enough for their families ' needs over the year and handed the rest of the harvest in to the Supplies Team .
23 Because not only had all this lot to be moved , but halfway through the removal he suddenly remembered there was something else needed moving , shot to the stairs with a white face , opened the door in under the stairs and out came all the bits and pieces from there .
24 Hold your stomach in during the twists .
25 Serbs preferred to pitch their lot in with the nationalists , most notably with Arkan , a wanted war criminal who won eight of the 24 seats available .
26 Central Region agreed yesterday not to start the hearing in to the actions of Jock Stewart , 53 , a principal officer in the education department suspended since May , until an interdict is heard .
27 He had seen it plane in behind the trees beyond a bend in the stream and had stalked and shot it while she slept .
28 Our main goal is to bring a little sunshine in to the lives of all disabled people .
29 Moreover , most galaxies are found in clusters , and we can similarly infer the presence of yet more dark matter in between the galaxies in these clusters by its effect on the motion of the galaxies .
30 After a fierce struggle at the gates they were able to force their way in at the heels of the retreating defenders .
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