Example sentences of "[noun sg] being [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 At Banbury , they say they found cattle being prodded with unnecessary force , a calf slipping up on a concrete surface and a pig being forced into a pen with a kick .
2 The Rules of the Supreme Court make no specific provision for a contemnor being served with a copy of the committal order , but as I have mentioned an instruction has been issued by the Clerk of the Rules with the approval of the President of the Family Division which makes it the duty of the applicant 's solicitor to serve the committal order , but does not require personal service .
3 Roof-bolt technology is the key to the leap in productivity that BC will need if it is to beat off the challenge from gas and imported coal and prevent the industry being reduced to a handful of pits .
4 A brawl following a coach collision was unlikely to have led to fatal violence being offered to a woman .
5 I do n't remember what I recited , but I do remember being acutely embarrassed on another occasion when people were telling anecdotes , and I recounted one about a soldier being saved from a court martial because he had heard a clock strike thirteen at midnight , and this fact had saved him from being found guilty of sleeping on duty .
6 Most would like to see the auditor 's period away from the audit in question extended from the proposed two years ( which , as Touche Ross says , ‘ could lead to this guidance being perceived as a cosmetic exercise' ) , but can not agree over how long .
7 Inset : An air diver being deployed in a diving basket .
8 The invention consists essentially of a system of lifts each formed by a wet dock wherein the vessel to be transported is waterborne , the dock being mounted on a wheeled carriage adapted to support the dock horizontally and to run on inclined railways extending between the higher and lower water levels , the ways being transverse to the length of the dock which travels broadside on so as to admit of a short length of wheel base and a steep grade .
9 Instead , I ran screaming like a banshee into the garden engulfed in coils of stiffened pipe and looking like some mythical figure being consumed by a serpent .
10 The alert from police came after the latest smash and grab raid on a car being driven by a lone woman in Middlesbrough .
11 Reid suggested that the CYPA had ‘ led to truancy being considered as a symptom of distress which is seen as being allied to the social and educational problems of the individual child ’ .
12 Rather than such force being seen as a prerogative of the state , it is seen by many in the alliance to inhere in the people of Ulster who over and over again need to assert their autonomous rights .
13 I 'm built for action , and it seemed a raw deal being dumped in a desolate corner of London with the kind of instructions you 'd give an old man on retirement .
14 He challenged the validity of a search warrant which had been obtained from a sheriff , alleging that statements by inquiry officers about a flickering light being seen at a bedroom window were a blatant and malicious fabrication .
15 Debate lasted until 20 September , opposition being voiced by a number of Italian and Spanish prelates .
16 The burdens were carried on the back , the weight being supported by a tump-line across the forehead .
17 The Table also shows that cutting usually involves the wrist or forearm , which has resulted in wrist-cutting being treated as a distinct syndrome ( Rosenthal et al. 1972 ) .
18 This relatively low figure no doubt results from the programme being broadcast at a time that is inconvenient to many viewers .
19 To do otherwise , would be to sit back and watch the raison d'etre of conglomeration being reversed by a misplaced process of reregulation ; that would be to give with one hand , and take with the other .
20 The acceptance of the proposals of the Franks Committee to reform the Official Secrets Act would not necessarily prevent civil servants in the future being faced with a clash of loyalties but it should make the problem less acute .
21 County Pot is located among a ruck of boulders 80 yards upstream from the top of the Cow Dub waterfall its constricted entrance being identified by a manhole cover among many other holes hereabouts on the north bank .
22 However , the aggressive horse will be preparing to fight rather than flee , which will manifest itself in bared teeth and the head and neck being extended with a thrust , ready to attack .
23 Throughout the period , a majority of working class women gave birth at home with no pain relief , the common practice being to pull on a towel knotted round the end of the bed when the pains came .
24 You got all kinds of crap being dumped in a place like this .
25 It acceded to an argument that it would prevent the defendant being employed by a grocer in selling dairy products in his shop .
26 This technique is also open-loop in nature , with the position of maximum overshoot from the initial half-step being determined by a fixed period timer .
27 We do n't think we do n't think that the citizens of are doing cartwheels at sixty four thousand pound being spent on a benefit bus to tour round this district and certainly if the festival organisers two years ago could commit themselves to breaking even within two years and were happy with that , why have we spent two hundred and forty thousand pound on a festival in when that money , and that 's four hundred thousand pounds worth of money , could have been spent on the salaries and training of our officers who work in children 's homes .
28 These include issues such as the morality of the Gospel being seen in a consumer context , and the Church spending its funds in this way .
29 This year 's £1.3 million advertising campaign features a young girl being resuscitated after a car accident involving a drink driver .
30 But since the official essence of Unionism is the claim that Northern Ireland is as integral a part of Great Britain as Yorkshire or Middlesex , it is hard to see on what grounds of principle the Unionists could object to their fate being decided by a majority within Great Britain as a whole .
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