Example sentences of "[noun sg] between [noun] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even when American analysts admit that the USSR has access rather than base rights in Cam Ranh Bay and Danang they argue that the apparent permanency of its presence in these ports means that this access has effectively provided the USSR with its only operating military base between Vladivostok and the East coast of Africa .
2 Right , now , we 've talked about very briefly , touched on the division between university and the city , and obviously the erm differences between the King and Parliament exacerbated what happened in the city .
3 THE LEADERSHIP of the Scottish Labour Party yesterday played down talk of division between moderates and a group led by Mr George Galloway who founded Scotland United — a loose grouping of MPs , trades unionists and other prominent personalities — committed to home rule .
4 In the light of the division between Kent and the rest of England in terms of some luxury imports , it is interesting that Evison ( ibid. ) observed that the wheel-thrown vessels found outside Kent , and which are widely scattered , have originated from different and often distinct parts of north-west Europe .
5 The move ended a struggle between Bond and a banking syndicate led by the Hong Kong Bank of Australia in which the latter claimed that Bond was liable for a personal loan worth US$194,600,000 .
6 Observers had identified the absence of any presidential party as complicating the power struggle between Yeltsin and the legislature .
7 The scheme has raised the stakes in the intensifying struggle between Britain and the Commission , led by M Jacques Delors , over whether the EC should have an industrial policy .
8 Spain united the Left because it represented a real struggle between Fascism and the Left , more vital than the battles against the British Union of Fascists in the streets of London .
9 The Left identified the struggle against the National government at home with the world-wide struggle between Fascism and the Left : they saw the Soviet Union as the heart of the " progressive forces " and the Left at home as its loyal support .
10 During its course two major contestants had been eliminated , one by assassination and one by detention , and party politics in Kenya had become obsessed with the struggle between personalities and the rival power of different Kikuyu clans .
11 The move brought to an end an intense struggle between Wilson and the Democrat-controlled state legislature over how to deal with the state 's $10,700 million budget deficit .
12 The hatred between Labour and the SNP in Scotland is not matched in ferocity between Labour and the nationalists in Wales .
13 Participants in the national conference had been bought off by Mobutu , he said , adding that the best hope for Zaïre lay in " genuine power-sharing between Mobutu and the opposition " .
14 She heard the sounds behind her of her father 's leather apron being tied in place and , for a moment , she could imagine her father was with her again , big and comforting , a shield between Hari and the world .
15 After long negotiations a fragile settlement between Lancaster and the king 's friends was reached in August 1318 by the treaty of Leake , where Lancaster and Damory were temporarily reconciled .
16 The Court of Appeal held that the evidence did not establish that there had been any direct procurement by the defendants of any wrongful acts by the drivers or loaders or that the latter had committed any wrongful acts ; also that there was no evidence of any actual knowledge by the defendants of any contract between Bowaters and the plaintiffs .
17 The court held that there was a contract between Lewis and the rogue and that therefore Averay now had perfect title to the car .
18 For the first time , detailed financial targets were set , under the 1984 programme contract between RENFE and the state ( RENFE 1984a ) .
19 Thereafter numbers fell sharply , showing the impact of the programme contract between RENFE and the government .
20 Draft Contract Between School and the Teachers ' Centre
21 The move towards a more formalised contract between schools and the broader society they are there to serve has wide support from the major political parties .
22 Councillor Mark Lazarowicz , leader of the district council 's Labour group and chairman of EICC , said yesterday at the signing of the contract between EICC and the main contractor , GA Management , that he hoped the venture would attract business all year round to the city .
23 A new contract between Equity and the IPA came into force during 1979 which meant that ‘ repeat ’ fees — the fees paid to an artist for each showing of a commercial — were increased fourfold , so that repeat fees for one actor for a fairly heavily used commercial could reach £20000 a year .
24 They are not in company in factories , there 's antagonism between management and the shop floor .
25 A bewildered staff did n't quite know what to do next as they were completely ignorant of the ongoing wrangle between Carter and the Stones over ‘ Ruby Tuesday ’ which , it seems , still has n't been sorted out .
26 Technical disturbances arising from the interaction between communism and the novel form are consequently in Nizan 's eyes merely the logical outcome of the communist writer 's refusal to acquiesce to what are perceived as the oppressive structures of bourgeois politics , ethics and culture .
27 If significant provision is to be made it must be on the basis of a genuine negotiation and interaction between educators and the community , involving both social understanding and careful curriculum development to meet the needs of each particular group .
28 The site of the original interaction between antigen and the immune system presumably determines the distribution of the granulomatous inflammation seen .
29 The lack of effect of preincubation with TPA on the responses to forskolin and cholera toxin suggests that the actions of TPA on the responses to histamine , TGLP-1 , and gastric inhibitory polypeptide are not mediated at the catalytic subunit or at the level of the interaction between Gs and the catalytic subunit .
30 These are spots sanctified by time , and thus are some sacred sites born , the result of the interaction between people and the landscape : instinctive working with earth energies to increase the significance of place .
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