Example sentences of "[noun sg] must [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its feathers thrash , its heart must be drumming like a motor ,
2 He spoke of freedom of debate and " recognition of the right of the minority to a stand of their own " , but he explicitly ruled out factionalism , declaring that all decisions adopted by the majority must be binding on all .
3 She heard a car go up the road and then still heard it as it travelled some way along the road at the top , and realised the wind must be coming from the south for the sound to come to her so distinctly .
4 The wind must be blowing from them to you , since this not only minimises the noise you may inadvertently make but it prevents your scent blowing towards the rabbits and giving them advance warning that all 's not well .
5 Speed must be thinking to himself right now … all the other players around him would have had one of these one-off payments when they joined Leeds .
6 The first reaction to ‘ if you want money , get lost ’ was that Steen must be referring to potential blackmailers , but then Charles realized how unlikely that was .
7 The lace carriage must be sitting outside the main bed , on its extension rails .
8 The door opened , and as she watched Rourke breeze into the room she concluded wearily that fate must be conspiring against her .
9 The vehicle must be going towards the ‘ limits ’ and also be within or partly within the zig-zag lines , i.e. the ‘ zebra controlled area ’ .
10 Obviously all the planets that we see orbiting the sun must be travelling at exactly the right speed to keep them in their orbits , or we would n't see them there because they would n't be there !
11 The inflation in the early stages of the universe , which the no boundary proposal predicts , means that the universe must be expanding at very close to the critical rate at which it would just avoid recollapse , and so will not recollapse for a very long time .
12 Since the distinction between the two subclasses is immediately obvious , the adult 's question must be referring to the relative numbers of roses and daffodils .
13 The most painful part of any obstetrician 's job must be dealing with stillbirths and damaged babies .
14 Worry about finding his half of the mortgage must be getting to her , she realised as she left the kitchen , knowing that just thinking of her brother was not going to conjure him home to pay his dues .
15 To maintain net investment at a constant positive level , demand for the firm 's product must be rising at a steady rate .
16 Nevertheless , unless we are to fall back on the unsatisfactory practice of listing verbs which do support the construction and those which do not , some other factor must be waiting to be discovered , which will help to explain why ( 56 ) and ( 67 ) seem outright ungrammatical , and yet we can have either of ( 68 ) and ( 69 ) : ( 68 ) Tania left despondently ( 69 ) Tania left despondent To conclude , we may point out that there will clearly be a close connexion , under certain choices of lexical items , between the surface construction ( 44 ) and ordinary predicative position .
17 For net investment to increase , demand must be increasing at an increasing rate .
18 And , for sure , this train must be crawling with Orb fans , all desperate to chill out , to surf that glorious tube of astral spume , to get loaded and have a good time .
19 Surely all this frost must be owing to the want of fire in my attempts to thaw it .
20 Even if they had to take sewing lessons first it would still be less expensive and the idea of hiring a wedding dress must be unappealing to many brides .
21 Investors provide the cash expecting high returns ; to get the money , a firm must be looking at pretty profitable investment opportunities .
22 In any case , this type of speculation is a complete waste of time and anyone who seriously thinks that all is quiet on the western front as the twentieth century draws to a close must be dozing in his dug-out .
23 ( 4.6 ) if the damper torque is zero , the damper rotor and housing must be operating at equal speeds .
24 We steer our fazed brains incredulously towards where food must be according to our knowledge of standard lay-out .
25 Although it is unclear , the fact that the putative market counterparty must be dealing in the course of investment business seems to restrict transactional test market counterparties who enter into futures contracts with the firm as principal to persons , such as securities firms or banks , which are authorised under the FSA .
26 The sale must be according to the usage of the market in question .
27 It seemed obvious that all this operator handling must be contributing to the black specks .
28 There are , however , some men who assume that a single mother must be looking for a husband .
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