Example sentences of "[noun sg] must [be] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mind you , ’ George said abruptly , ‘ that certificate must be sheer balls because he 'd have to use his roadname on it .
2 You must supply the full textual or numeric UIC , with square brackets , and the total field must be 20 characters or less .
3 So the that side must be six centimetres
4 Glenn Hoddle is the Manager of the Month ; that 's official and on the evidence of this top of the table battle with Newcastle his team must be serious contenders for promotion to the premier league .
5 ( 4 ) ) , and , where a licensing area is divided into divisions , one-third of the membership must be divisional councillors unless the Secretary of State directs otherwise ( subs .
6 " That sign must be ten years old .
7 BLUES ' SCALES Blues Saraceno Blues Saraceno 's metabolic rate must be seven times faster than the rest of mankind 's .
8 The difference was partly generational ; this man must be ten years older than Hutton .
9 Polgar 's approach to teaching is , he says , that ‘ the pleasure of the accomplishment must be several times as much as the experience of failure . ’
10 Inside the temperature must be forty degrees higher , at least , Tweed reckoned .
11 He insisted that Father and Son must be distinct realities or hypostases , not mere adjectives of one personal divine substance .
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