Example sentences of "[noun sg] over a [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Locks , or more correctly , ‘ pound locks ’ , are a means of raising a boat over a rise or fall in level by a series of steps .
2 Then I pushed my car over a cliff and burned it .
3 Eisenhower , who was in the midst of his re-election campaign and was presenting himself to the American electorate as ‘ a man of peace ’ , failed to make clear to his British and French colleagues in the Atlantic Alliance the depth of his reluctance to countenance the use of force over an issue that was only important and not vital to US interests .
4 English Drama Again Takes Premier Position ’ ran the hopeful headline over a piece that described Hepworth 's Rachel 's Sin ( 1911 ) as ‘ a great triumph in film production ’ which was ‘ all ENGLISH ’ .
5 They can be used in summer on their own over a top sheet and in winter over a quilt or blanket .
6 ‘ Now all she needs is a bit of work over a mile and a quarter on Tuesday and she 'll be ready for Longchamp .
7 He kissed her briefly on the lips and came into the flat , a slightly-built sandy-haired man in his mid-thirties wearing a heavy black overcoat over a sweater and cords .
8 Transferred to the realm of gender relations , this would describe the state of affairs in which a woman has influence over a man and manipulates his discourses , but is allowed this power only as long as she agrees not to flaunt it and remains in the position of silent partner with no autonomous voice .
9 Her whole adult life was a triumph of determination over a body that could have condemned her to permanent invalidism .
10 If the flat only has one entrance/exit ( which it will because it is not on the ground floor ) , it should have a fire escape , or some means of escape over a balcony or roof .
11 A witness said : ‘ Two engines cut out and the plane started to eject fuel over a lake as it lost height .
12 If it is the impact of government intervention over a lifetime or series of lifetimes that matters , then existing work on the snapshot distribution , however sophisticated , may have little of relevance to offer .
13 The graveyard is an important landscape feature , since in many cases it represents the burial place of most of the local population over a millennium or more , and is the logical successor to prehistoric barrow groups and Roman cemeteries .
14 This application is of benefit for queries to a computer that take place over a telephone and also for providing reading aids for the blind .
15 In the beginning , the race took place over a course that included three brooks and a five foot stone wall amongst the 29 jumps .
16 Some settlement is likely to take place over a period after the trench has been filled , but this can be filled in at a later stage .
17 Unfortunately the rapport I had built up with the director was wasted , as the commercial he was working on went wrong and had to be done again , so I met my new director over a pie and a pint in my local before shooting started .
18 But the post office says the original ballot taken on industrial action maynot cover this strike over a suspension as it 's an entirely different issue .
19 awful cos I 'm first-aided I usually get , I 'm the , the lucky person who hangs his head over a sink and sends him home again
20 While not condoning his more offensive behaviour over a career that spanned some 20 of the writer 's 30 years , Bellamy nevertheless offers an often ignored view of Connors ' early years .
21 When the bread balls hit the water over a bream that was near to the leader , then the leader would react after that fish and then , and only then , would the remainder of the shoal follow suit .
22 Do we really want to go down in history as the generation which sold for a mess of pottage the finest British companies , which have successfully built brand names and franchises of high repute over a century or more … ?
23 Why are we going to all this trouble over a bridge that we do n't own and that will probably never see a train again ?
24 Whatever happens , family control over a newspaper that Punch 's grandfather , Adolph Ochs , bought in 1896 will be sustained .
25 You do n't have the same control over a bike when you 're speeding .
26 He was no good at games — " more long than stop " as he once remarked to my cricket-loving sons — but early on had remarkable control over a bicycle and later in life showed aptitude for skiing in spite of his great length of leg — and he was a beautiful ballroom dancer .
27 By this time , Lou and Charlie had moved too — the business had been running down for a long period and there was no point in staying in a flat over a shop that did n't exist any more .
28 Chairman can I er suggest to these results of course over a period and I 'd like to see
29 The defendant 's employees erected a tent over a manhole and surrounded the tent with paraffin lamps .
30 " But I dare say he 's impatient , " thought Hazel , " or he may have come off worst in some scuffle over a doe and taken it hard .
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