Example sentences of "[noun sg] over [art] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Hope you managed to get some sort of break over the weekend and that you 're not too behind on schedule — it 'll probably pick up later on in the shoot !
2 Pour the custard over the top and bake for about 30–40 minutes until the custard is golden brown .
3 Then use concealer over the foundation and set with powder .
4 In two of my cited cases what we do might have moral relevance for animal welfare ; although the label ‘ moral ’ would probably be disputed if our uncertainty over the pet or circus were solely on grounds of cost or distance of travel .
5 Lord Deverill , having watched in silence , seeing his daughter was safe , popped his big horse over the gate and galloped on to the covert where hounds had checked , and so too finally had Buttons .
6 Locks , or more correctly , ‘ pound locks ’ , are a means of raising a boat over a rise or fall in level by a series of steps .
7 Also , one Sunday morning , I took the boat over the swim and stirred the muddy bottom and there were no signs of breadcrumbs in the mudclouds that billowed to the surface .
8 The light over the water and on the folds of the mountains which formed the banks seemed to change almost by the minute and was an unending delight until nightfall .
9 Then I pushed my car over a cliff and burned it .
10 When the train started Jasper put his mouth over the tip and realized he could n't light the cigarette because the end was outside .
11 Pour the vinaigrette over the salad and toss well .
12 Britain experienced international isolation over the issue and in March 1902 , agreed to the Boers ' wish for peace .
13 Once Adam had flashed his passport as a European Community resident , the reception clerk at the Bellevue had simply pushed the register card over the desk and asked the Englishman how he was going to settle the account .
14 He lowered his own head again , allowing his lips to pressure gently over her face , seeking their pleasure over the rise and fall of her face and neck .
15 Most of this chapter is a discussion of these complexities and of possible policy actions , and our emphasis is on the wide choice which should be available in the future over the pattern and intensity of work which people do .
16 In the centre put the crushed clove of garlic , the bay leaf and twig of thyme ; mill a little black pepper over the meat and add about half a pint of cold water .
17 Scatter pieces of red pepper over the salad and grind some black pepper on the top .
18 Yakovlev noted confusion over the role and financing of the Ostankino company between the Russian Federation and other CIS member states , and the perception of programmes as biased towards Russia .
19 Leaving aside food , drink and tobacco , industrial prices rose only 2.9 p.c. over the year and 0.6 p.c. in the last three months .
20 They resorted to terror and adventurism , for which there was no justification now that a powerful Social Democratic movement had taken shape , and they failed to acknowledge the leadership that must be exercised by the proletariat over the peasantry and the democratic movement as a whole .
21 He saw the man with the binoculars fall back holding his chest ; the man in front slump over the bonnet and the man with the rifle disappear .
22 This is the cat over the wall and I hate , Jones always
23 A personal friend , Tiny Rowland , chairman of the Observer and the British multinational company Lonrho , had reportedly approached Kaunda in March to seek his assistance over the Bazoft and Parish cases .
24 He did not actually arrive until early in 1946 ; meanwhile , Leclerc consolidated his hold over the south and Gracey 's role was phased out .
25 They can be used in summer on their own over a top sheet and in winter over a quilt or blanket .
26 Spread the liner over the hole and weight down the edges .
27 ‘ Now all she needs is a bit of work over a mile and a quarter on Tuesday and she 'll be ready for Longchamp .
28 He kissed her briefly on the lips and came into the flat , a slightly-built sandy-haired man in his mid-thirties wearing a heavy black overcoat over a sweater and cords .
29 Transferred to the realm of gender relations , this would describe the state of affairs in which a woman has influence over a man and manipulates his discourses , but is allowed this power only as long as she agrees not to flaunt it and remains in the position of silent partner with no autonomous voice .
30 Given the influence over the culture and literacy of the majority of the population of an " unpropitious environment " and " alternative cultural media " , Bantock claims that attempts through education to impose a " book culture " on this majority merely inflict upon them an unacceptable " strain " .
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