Example sentences of "[noun sg] over [pos pn] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As confirmation of this , over 85 per cent of clients questioned by AMERG responded that changes in the advertising regulations had had no effect over their method of selecting architects .
2 According to members of the reforming faction , some officers have attempted to use Sir Peter Imbert 's apparent discomfiture over his role in the Guildford Four case to discredit the Plus Programme , with which he is closely identified .
3 He knew he was to face an onslaught from the Opposition over his handling of the economy .
4 Contented as she was with the house , Virginia was always to cast a glance over her shoulder at her sister , living just five miles away at Charleston .
5 ‘ Oh , no , pray , ’ she begged , dropping the bread and rising also , and casting an apprehensive glance over her shoulder at the closed door .
6 ‘ I will explain it to you presently , ’ said the Reverend gentleman , with a harassed glance over his shoulder to where Theda stood glaring at her second visitor .
7 But Marc turned and , to Sarella 's embarrassment , instead of moving away , placed one hand possessively on the wall beside her head and leaned there , with a smiling glance over his shoulder at his younger brother .
8 She was asleep — there was a little island of light over her bed in the side-room of the empty ward — and someone said in a professional whisper , ‘ Do you think she 's ready for the next stage ? ’
9 I despaired when I heard Sir Geoffrey Howe , who was Foreign Secretary at the time , speak at the Tory Party Conference in October and heard him repeat the same old stock phrase : Britain will never make a deal over its hostages in Lebanon .
10 You ca n't pull the wool over my eyes like that .
11 ‘ I can think of one firm that I think had tried to pull the wool over our eyes for many years .
12 Steve Cauthen 's battle with the Jockey Club over his use of the whip begins in London tomorrow .
13 We use this way in to stop people stealing what gear we have.Andy has been scratching around for a regular roof over his head for a year , ever since he lost his job and his home burned down in a fire .
14 It 's very difficult now with all the other cutbacks , I just do n't know how I 'm going to manage and whether or not I 'll have a roof over my head by the end of the year or what will be happening .
15 He can flick a football over his head with perfect control , pick up a guitar and find a tune .
16 Dr Murdoch resigned from the British Medical Association over its attitude to the Arthur case , but criticism has also come from within the BMA .
17 Earlier this year , Dharam , his son and heir , committed suicide after incurring family displeasure over his choice of bride .
18 Anderson captained Ireland on their short tour of France , led them to an unexpected victory over a French XV and keeps the job now but age and waning powers put a question-mark over his selection for the team at all .
19 Alex giggled deep down in his stomach and his arms and legs met like a soft anemone over her hand in an attempt to come to terms with it .
20 As Vimla pirouetted , pulling her sari over her head in a parody of the Dance of the Seven Veils , Chaman Guru put down the cymbals and got down to the serious business of collecting money .
21 Supporters of the Public Service Ideal will be disappointed by our finding that television news is biased towards the incumbent government , and alarmed by our evidence that the tabloid press has such a powerful influence over its readers at election time .
22 All it means is that some properties of the replicators should have an influence over their probability of being replicated .
23 She had let me see a draft of it , and I fancied that she had been a little timid about the dénouement , which was death in a motor accident , and feared that her own terrible anxiety over her son in the past might have inhibited her .
24 We wasted days and days dancing in the Pink Pussy Club , yawning at Fat Mattress at the Croydon Greyhound , ogling strippers on Sunday mornings in a pub , sleeping through Godard and Antonioni films , and enjoying the fighting at Millwall Football Ground , where I forced Changez to wear a bobble-hat over his face in case the lads saw he was a Paki and imagined I was one too .
25 Wainfleet could not resist gloating to Rain over his story of a romance between Hunter-Blair and Maureen .
26 The bank manager may want to reduce the business 's overdraft if it assigns security over its debtors to a factor ; and the factor 's fee may be too costly for businesses that work on very fine margins .
27 Hoogeveen was a nondescript , cheerless place , and so was his room , with only a dirty skylight over his head for a window .
28 Refusing to shut her eyes in case she succumbed again , Sarella fixed her gaze on a point over his shoulder on the scarlet wall opposite .
29 All these pictures were accompanied by Mr. Wakeford 's natural wit , which combined with his obvious joy over his discovery of wild flowers .
30 I wore a corset over my breasts for a manly appearance .
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