Example sentences of "[noun sg] over [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Tension over Iranian claim to Gulf islands
2 In March 1704 Sherard told Richardson , ‘ We sent a vessel over this week to Calais to exchange some prisoners of war .
3 TI still expects to double total Viking production this quarter over last quarter to 40,000 units .
4 In this latter respect , government policy ( or the threat of intervention ) would seem to be the most significant factor tending to remove authority over collective bargaining to the national confederations.9 Attempts to align the outcome of wage negotiations with macroeconomic policy objectives have been one factor which has tended to raise the level of bargaining and it has played a significant role at certain periods in countries such as Holland , Norway and Austria .
5 The opposition by back-bench Conservative MPs was supported by former Prime Minister Lady Thatcher , who warned in an article in the European of Oct. 8 that Maastricht will hand over more power to unelected bureaucrats and erode the freedoms of ordinary men and women .
6 In its latest salvo over equal access to each other 's markets , AT&T Co is telling the US regulatory authorities that the accounting rates — the amount the originator pays the co-respondent for landing a call — between the UK and the US could be cut by 60% : according to the Financial Times , AT&T says British Telecommunications Plc has refused to agree a cut , British Telecom says nonsense , we are still considering it and we will let them know next month ; transatlantic accounting rates have fallen by near 50% over the past two years .
7 On another dispute over foreign access to public utility contracts , on which Washington and Brussels accuse each other of discriminatory treatment , officials of the two sides finished two days of inconclusive talks in Washington on Wednesday .
8 Solomon and Rogachev were both reported to have expressed concern about China 's apparent volte-face over military assistance to the Khmers Rouges .
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