Example sentences of "[noun sg] on [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Trim away excess and place the base on to the cake drum .
2 Indeed , the JMU will automatically consider adding an investment business inspection on to an audit monitoring visit to an authorised firm .
3 Once past her garden , Clare turned off the narrow lane on to a path hedged high with hawthorn , which led up the gently rising hill behind the cottage to the wood .
4 He gripped it with his hands , got his foot on to the latch , heaved up and rolled over the top .
5 Delaney swung a foot on to the ladder .
6 With a bit of practice , you can learn to put a condom on without the punter knowing you 've done it !
7 incentive to get us up this last steep pull on to the summit of Beinn Ghlas .
8 l Louise looked at her young son and suggested he might like to take his easel on to the patio .
9 Zigzagging our way down the street we saw a car coming towards us and thought some terrible error had allowed the driver on to the toboggan track .
10 As Ilse happily slipped out of her thin white overall , Ingrid noticed the audience tossing money on to a plate which was being passed around .
11 Girls cheered and threw money on to the stage , but the curtain came down , the head hit him again and , with the curtain back up , the youngster was caned in the middle of the performance .
12 The bird ties it by holding a strip on to a branch with one foot and then , using its beak , passing the end round the branch , threading it through one of the turns and pulling it tight .
13 He followed Trent over the rail on to the dock , prodding him with the tip of his knife : ‘ We go jus ' leetle way in the jungle , leetle dog . ’
14 Taking care to keep to the well trodden dirt path between the growing vegetables , she crossed the last field on to the riverbank .
15 On the ground he was safe from an hussar 's blade , so Karelius concerned himself with him no more , but urged his mare on down the footpath to join the advance guard in the main street .
16 Nina turned the fragments of food on her plate with all the delicacy of an archaeologist lifting a shard on to a trowel .
17 I dropped each denomination of Cayman coin on to the sand to see how the machine responded to them .
18 Next he tossed a small coin on to the coffin .
19 She dropped her robe on to the stool near by and stepped into the water , sinking slowly down into the warmth .
20 Within a year , 10,000 miners had flocked from the Walla Walla settlement on to the reservation , and Lawyer 's followers readily signed an agreement exchanging mining rights north of the Clearwater for $50,000 .
21 Together , the three of them removed the boards which formed the trough and the natron ran off in a tide of white powder on to the floor .
22 Pipe hair on to the ballerina and allow to dry .
23 Reminding Management of diurnal enuresis has been attempted with initially asking the parent to remind the child regularly when to go to the lavatory and gradually pass that responsibility on to the child .
24 But if you leave a light bulb on for a year , it 'll cost you more than leaving the fan heater on for an hour .
25 Duncan slung his small case on to the bed and zipped it open .
26 Charming , my dear ! ’ he muttered through closed teeth , throwing his Louis Vuitton overnight case on to the sofa .
27 As she flopped down in a corner seat , Constance looked at the man pushing her case on to the rack opposite .
28 There is nothing in the Children Act 1989 which provides for the court to tack any direction on to a care order and I have to say that , in my judgment , the addition of a direction of any sort to a care order is a fetter on the local authority plans , authority and responsibility .
29 In her agitation she had taken the longer route on to the Quay de Cologny .
30 That quick route on to the statute book was agreed after talks between Scottish Office ministers and Labour MPs .
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