Example sentences of "[noun sg] should be one of " in BNC.

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1 Drivers were asked to give the risk rating immediately they heard the tone and it was emphasized that this rating should be one of what they were already feeling when they heard the tone rather than a subsequent assessment of the risk present .
2 Mental imbalance should also be excluded , since that seems inconsistent with the idea of an ‘ ordinary person ’ , and the defence should be one of diminished responsibility .
3 The mental effect should be one of calmness and well-being ; you should feel more in touch with your body and mind .
4 Whether this view should lead us to endorse a fully participatory style of democracy or to rest content with some form of interest-group pluralism should be one of the key issues on the agenda for corporate law research .
5 There was therefore general agreement that the provision of a home should be one of the first tasks of the new organisation , and the matter was referred to the executive committee for urgent consideration .
6 The charge should be one of assault ( or battery ) contrary to s.39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 .
7 That picture should be one of shared progress , shared failing , of fitness of match or lack of match between policies and funding .
8 The next decade should be one of consolidation a d steady improvement .
9 The correct feeling should be one of turning away , holding the right side back and ‘ whooshing ’ the clubhead into impact .
10 The body should not push the club through , the correct feeling should be one of curbing the power of the right side so the clubhead pulls the body through .
11 We believe the T U C's role should be one of more services to its affiliates to direct membership with greater emphasis on health and safety and recruitment .
12 The Christian life should be one of joy and peace , they feel , so either they have failed God or he has let them down — though they feel guilty for thinking so .
13 Story-reading should be one of the great joys of parenthood , a real meeting of adult and child minds .
14 Mr claims for a five year replacement cycle , but I consider the vehicle is likely to have a lower mileage than is usual and that the replacement cycle should be one of eight years .
15 We believe that the government 's relationship with science should be one of partnership , not confrontation .
16 It is , perhaps , unsurprising that individual liberty should be one of the chief casualties of a system of government that rests so much power in the executive branch .
17 Travel should be one of the more pleasant necessities of life .
18 Law and order should be one of the Tories ' strongest cards , but record crime figures have tarnished their record .
19 It was decided to build a huge central market , the construction of which was entrusted to Baltard , a man who was as much an engineer as an architect , on a site which had existed since the reign of Napoleon I. Succeeding regimes had neither had the will nor the drive to carry out the project as originally planned , but the Emperor was determined that this new market should be one of the earliest major building projects of his reign .
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