Example sentences of "[noun sg] should [adv] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This came under heavy fire for implying that small firms set up without planning permission should only have enforcement orders issued against them if alternative premises were available .
2 The book is not confined to the needs of the conveyancing practitioner , however ; it is thought that the divorce practitioner should also have knowledge of the different types of conveyance which may be ordered by the court or agreed between the parties and the points which should be taken into account at that time , the protective measures that might be taken before the conveyance is concluded and the documentation that may be required in dealing with life policies .
3 HE insisted that the Church has never ruled that a priest should not have sex , only that he should not marry , ’ says Monika ( sic ) Kocanek by way of explaining how she ended up in bed with Fr Christopher O'Neill and then found herself pregnant .
4 That your Lordship would direct , it would be in our task that that figure should n't have interest added to it because of the way in which it was approached .
5 That person should nevertheless have regard to its potential liability under the general law for negligent misstatement ( see Chapter 20 ) .
6 I 'm often surprised by people who voice their opinions and are adamant that they are right — from those who think people with a hereditary disease should n't have children , to people who feel strongly about disposable nappies .
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