Example sentences of "[noun sg] may [vb infin] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But in view of passages in Revelation like 7:3 which speak of ‘ sealing the servants of God in their fore-heads ’ , and Romans 4:11 which speaks of circumcision as ‘ the sign and seal of being in the right with God through faith ’ , it is not impossible that baptism may have been in the apostle 's mind when he spoke of this sealing with the Spirit .
2 Now to the house itself , one of the early observers gives us a clue when mentioning the house he writes of the fine Elizabethan chimneys still standing , these I believe are those which collapsed in 1973 after having previously been lowered owing to their dangerous condition , on the collapse of these some fine timber framing was discovered in the older parts of the house showing considerable blackening , and Mrs Lingham informed me that vestiges of a gallery were discovered , and it was suggested that this part of the building may have been of the hall type .
3 Ford 's money may have been in evidence , but Ford 's men were not .
4 So it 's a bit frightening when you think a pensioner 's money may have been in that account at thirteen fifty on a , on ten thousand invested , and now they 're down to seven hundred .
5 The Judge said the gang may have been in a state of panic , but the police were unarmed and it was miracle they were n't seriously injured .
6 In many circumstances the service to the University may have been over a period several times the 3 years of undergraduate study .
7 CLEAR SIGNS that a doping ring may have been in operation emerged yesterday when the Jockey Club admitted that Surrey police are investigating the ‘ nobbling ’ of a horse at Yarmouth last August .
8 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
9 However convenient the conflict of love and honour may have been to Anthony Hope as the motive force of his books , he treated it seriously within their emotional climate .
10 Any parent who is worried their child may have been in contact with the doctor can still phone the hospital for advice .
11 However widespread such an attitude may have been in popular piety ( and perhaps it has been widespread ) , and though it may be thinkable to a Latin American theologian today , it is hardly orthodox .
12 Police have searched the house They think robbery may have been behind the attack and they note that the house was open and there 's no evidence of a fight .
13 Police believe the body may have been in the field for several weeks and they 're still investigating the cause of death .
14 Weak though its labour organisation may have been in the 1880s , it had a longer tradition of trade unionism among seamen than any other part of the country .
15 Alhred 's power-base may have been in the lower Tyne , for the body of his son , Osred , was carried to Tynemouth to be buried in the monastery there .
16 In 1899 he lost his much-loved daughter , Josephine , and this sad event may have been in his mind when he wrote the emotive story , They .
17 The stress may have been in the wrong place .
18 Science and education may have been on the minds of the panel , but the youngsters preferred to range over topics such as nuclear disarmament and the ethics of energy .
19 The Corporation may have been on cover for several years and when subsidence damage is discovered , it requires full underpinning .
20 Pursuing this laissez-faire policy may have been in the national interest , but it did n't seem to be in John 's or that of the other hostages .
21 The woman was then driven around for over an hour and believes part of the journey may have been on a motorway .
22 Infant mortality remained unremittingly high at about 150/1,000 from 1840 until about 1900 , although this apparent stability may have been in part an artefact of the extension of birth registration to the least healthy groups of the population , and of a shift in the social class composition of births .
23 Though his thought may have been in some respects dry and narrow as a result , he set the agenda for modern philosophy and theology .
24 The eyes of the world may have been on Microsoft Corp Windows NT , but over at the IBM booth they were pulling out all the stops to show that OS/2 is far from dead .
25 It is also suggested that experiential learning associated with employment may have been of value to these students .
26 Crucial as this innovation may have been for co-ordination , it has contributed to an increased sense of ‘ distance ’ between policy makers and implementers in a policy system that operates primarily in a unified , top-down , manner .
27 Female involvement may have been at the fringes , though what took place in this ‘ marginal , area may turn out to have been more important than long-forgotten events on the field of play .
28 A discrete block of land may have been in existence for a long time before it was first described in a written document .
29 But Presley points out : ‘ With the discovery that a membrane bone can totally mimic a basic cartilaginous constituent of the developing skull , we have to ask ourselves how widespread such a phenomenon may have been in vertebrate evolution . ’
30 Their interest may have been in Sardinian copper or Etruscan tin ; the Minoans needed tin to make bronze , and the sources of their raw materials are unknown .
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