Example sentences of "[noun sg] could also be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Your solicitor or estate agent could also be asked to carry out bidding on your behalf as an Auction saleroom can be a tense and nerve-racking place to the unfamiliar .
2 People charged with taking a car could also be punished for the damage done to it .
3 The industry could also be hit by changes in European Commission pollution legislation , she said .
4 Offcuts from the wood industry could also be used as fuel .
5 Other issues such as profit by product and changes in sales mix could also be explored .
6 The term could also be used to describe the gap between the practice of solving problems , and the somewhat academic exercise of systems thinking , where ideas can be generated about desirable changes that , in light of subsequent investigation , can not be realised fully in the real-world .
7 In principle , the twin image term could also be used to reconstruct the surface structure .
8 All the results derived from the simpler model explained in the previous chapter could also be derived from one which allows stocks of finished goods to play this role .
9 A capillary fitting could also be used
10 But this approach seems unnecessarily rigid in cases where the matters which would give grounds for judicial review could also be resolved by the alternative process .
11 From a pilot study comparing the antiviral effect of interferon , acyclovir and a combination of interferon and acyclovir , it was concluded that combination therapy appears to be a highly promising treatment for chronic hepatitis B. As more recent controlled studies have shown that acyclovir does not enhance the therapeutic effect of interferon alone , the results of the pilot study could also be interpreted as indicating that a second course of interferon after short term primer interferon therapy is more effective than a single course .
12 The neighbourhood effect could also be understood as the middle classes acting as a ‘ generalized other ’ for the working classes of their locality ; in effect a reference group , for subordinate social groups , influencing the extent to which they either resist or abide by dominant , and often centralising , political authority .
13 Raising victim consciousness could also be achieved by incorporating it as a function explicitly pursued by controlling and regulating agencies .
14 ( Some versions of the reliability proposal could also be seen in this light . )
15 Nor were such examples confined to feudal counties , for family influence could also be seen in boroughs and on occasion even in big cities .
16 And given the identification in the text of ‘ eye ’ with ‘ I ’ , the passage could also be read as ‘ this is not the hystery of the I ’ , in other words : ‘ this is ( not ) the ( hi ) story of a hysterical subject ’ .
17 The apparent safety of the work could also be compared with the horror of the post-war mining tragedy at Egremont , five miles to the north , in which 104 miners died .
18 Transport congestion and long journeys to work could also be overcome .
19 The means test for all legal aid work could also be simplified and handled directly by solicitors , again subject to careful spot check monitoring , Mr Hayes said .
20 A statutory definition more restricted than existing law could also be rendered reasonably precise , especially if it abandoned the idea of public benefit and rejected many charities now falling under the fourth head .
21 With a constant head of pressure , the flow of water from a tap near the base of the reservoir could also be kept constant .
22 If a rate of return could also be defined for futures markets , futures could then be treated as an additional asset in portfolio and capital market theories , and the concept and tests of market efficiency could also be extended , in a straightforward manner , to futures markets .
23 It is also important to note that these are quantitative measures of success within the higher education institutions , and other more qualitative measures regarding intellectual or personal development , or vocational preparation could also be used , and are clearly important in measuring the success of educational experiences .
24 Diminished responsibility could also be accommodated , although a general defence of mental disorder remains a better way of labelling and dealing with cases of clinical mental disorder .
25 This reduction in pleural thickening could also be seen on the chest x ray ( Fig 5 ) making it very likely that the pleural thickening noted initially in October 1990 and thought then to be unimportant was neoplastic from the outset .
26 The system of reversion could also be used , as we have seen , to establish something near to de facto hereditary tenure .
27 The field could also be used to list all hardware on which the module is dependent for its operation .
28 Play could also be abandoned today in the fifth one-day international after an agreement reached yesterday about what to do if there is crowd misbehaviour among the 25,000 sell-out crowd .
29 A number of officials in the local authority , housing , environmental health , and professionals in the community could also be involved .
30 The tagset could also be optimised .
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