Example sentences of "[noun sg] when we [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Every season Glentoran and Linfield won everything , and I thought it was a fantastic result when we only lost narrowly at Windsor or the Oval .
2 Lee is currently casting his magic spell over Ampeg 's tube guitar amp range , although we also suspected some Jackson-type involvement in Crate 's GT-50 Stealth combo when we recently reviewed it .
3 It took us more than an hour to make our way down those 47 double flights of metal stairs , but we were young and healthy and we enjoyed steins of lager when we finally reached a ground level bar .
4 And in the second half when we always make the bulk of our profits , we fought back and our second pre-tax er , er performance , exceeded by some five million er , that of nineteen ninety .
5 The voluntary muscles are nearly always attached to the bones of the skeleton and their function is to move parts of the body when we so wish .
6 What does it profit us to list the number of times a mother rubs her baby 's back when we really want to know if she did it with affection or out of nervousness ?
7 Well , I 'm not supposed to tell you but he was smoking on the station when we just caught sight of him .
8 From the very start when we scrupulously inspect the raw materials .
9 Do you think that this sort of attitude is probably true today , that the kind of things we learn about child rearing are not the things we put into practise when we actually have children to bring up ourselves ?
10 also we have had promises of items on loan when we eventually open the Museum .
11 There was considerable relief as well as jubilation when we finally received consent from the governments that afternoon . ’
12 The preliminaries on this occasion extended over a rather lengthy period and so the 150 or so guests were in pretty good form when we eventually sat down to one of the best ‘ function type ’ meals that I have ever enjoyed .
13 You will find no happiness , for ultimately life does not allow you to get away with anything , but rather , it has an uncanny way of asking for payment when we least expect it .
14 One gravedigger said : ‘ A £30 a week drop from our top line is a lot of money when we only get £240 before tax . ’
15 It 'll be wonderful to have a treasure-hunt when we eventually return ! ’
16 Course we was feverishly trying to chip the bricks and things off the horse then how , what had happened because we 'd got two stalls for them , and there was pigs in the one side and the horse in the other one , but of course when we eventually came to it , or they eventually came to the horse , he was dead , been killed standing up there like , you know and er , poor old pigs was all dead as well and as I said , about a hundred fell and two or three would been blown sky high .
17 First the wild unconscious play when we hardly distinguished between the open fields and the neighbourhood of towns except that we preferred the fields .
18 All the balloons were up in the Channel when we finally got there , and we dodged all around them trying to find the closest field in England .
19 Then , very soon , the hunting stage when we deliberately played at savages .
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