Example sentences of "[noun sg] when he [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was not Gandhi 's intention when he originally decided to fast to exert moral coercion on the mill-owners , since coercion in any form was contrary to the aims of satyāgraha , yet despite the unexpected result of his fast Gandhi still felt that he had acted correctly in the circumstances.m The experience did not prevent him either from using fasts as a form of satyāgraha on other occasions with similar results .
2 In the case of a thief , he will find he has been relieved of his own purse when he finally manages to jettison his passenger .
3 The Cheshire cat is an odd character and he causes confusion when he literally disappears into thin air .
4 It was after dark when he finally regained consciousness with the jolting realization that the snake should have caught up with him .
5 One difference between theft and handling is that the bona fide purchaser of goods is not guilty of theft when he later discovers that they were stolen ( s.3(2) ) .
6 He gunned the engine when he only had a few metres to go , felt the Jeep claw at the hard ground and hurtle forward .
7 His career as a Scottish International ended after the ill-fated Argentina campaign when he vociferously criticised the SFA 's handling of the tour and complained about the standard of accommodation .
8 This gold-covered oak cask was given by Charles to the Saxon chieftain Wittikind as a gift when he finally surrendered and accepted baptism in the year 785 .
9 Three days later King Bhumibol effectively legitimized the coup when he formally appointed Gen. Sunthorn as NPKC head .
10 There was little point in appealing to his better nature when he clearly did n't have one .
11 Following the despondent Seb outside the room when he eventually left , Carrie said , ‘ You must n't take it too much to heart , Seb .
12 Elderly men clammed up when Barley asked questions in the presence of his assistant , who was felt to be too young ; men rushed howling from the room when he casually asked about circumcision in a sister 's presence .
13 Endill was about to declare his joy when he suddenly realised what was about to happen .
14 This is interesting because Morrissey was referring back to his days spent in hopeless fandom when he practically worshipped everything that moved within the media .
15 What would Changez make of his wife when he finally looked at her ?
16 At last month 's Chuff Chuff Summer Ball in the gorgeous grounds of a Warwickshire agricultural college , the crowd were dancing to Birmingham hero Gordon Kaye 's instrumental house mix in the main marquee when he suddenly slipped ‘ The American Trilogy ’ on the decks .
17 Timeshare salesman Thomas Kerr , 21 , from Loughton , Essex , was jailed for 18 months at Snaresbrook Crown Court when he also admitted burglary and stealing £10,000 worth of computer equipment .
18 He seems to have lost the knack when he most needed it , for he was stoned to death by unimpressed heathens .
19 Not bathing for two days was no great inconvenience when he only had himself for company ; not shaving suited him fine when there was no woman to complain of beard burns .
20 Pot ‘ Mr Major 's first comment when he finally emerged blinking from the air raid shelter last week was to protest that it was n't his fault — it was the markets that were irrational .
21 His career had an extraordinary culmination when he eventually turned up in Scotland and was appointed Royal Printer to James VI , afterwards James I of England .
22 Dr Runcie , the well known Archbishop , found himself in terrible trouble when he obviously betrayed his feeling that the Argentinians were human brings in the Falklands memorial service .
23 The truth was revealed by Eden to the British cabinet when he indignantly reported : They [ Truman and Acheson ] are polite ; listen to what we have to say , but make ( on most issues ) their own decisions .
24 they know , how did they know he had VD when he fucking died
25 They all laughed at this , and began quacking about how they would surprise the dog when he least expected it .
26 During his period at Newcastle and later in his career when he briefly played for Grimsby Town , Gallacher was known to drink with fans in pubs near the ground , and on more than one occasion a search party had to be sent to get him in time for the kick-off .
27 Unfortunately , Olshan stretches belief when he then introduces Susan 's sister Tina , a virtuoso pianist now in psychiatric care , whose marriage , too , verges on disintegration .
28 A week later he was in the chair at a meeting of the Humanist Society when he suddenly had a vision of Bill Brice looking down at him from the moulding in the corner of the ceiling with a crown of thorns on his head , and look of sweet forgiveness on his face ; whereupon he stood up and made a long , confused speech about the hunger for God that gnawed inside each of us , however stiff-necked and jeering we might be ; which caused great embarrassment to all those present , and even greater embarrassment later to progressive theologians on the staff , who felt that such old-fashioned emotive conversions could only undo all their good work .
29 " Thank you , " I said confidently , and glared at the man when he discreetly placed a huge jug of iced water at my elbow .
30 He would not talk about it , and you knew not to ask more , but you realised that it must have been the time in his life when he most resembled himself .
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