Example sentences of "[noun sg] when [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For a big man , he could move with surprising speed when he wanted to .
2 She publicly commented on the rift when she spoke to newspaper columnist Jean Rook : ‘ I 'm absolutely sick of the ‘ Wicked Stepmother ’ lark .
3 Described as " quiet , genteel and beautiful — a real aristocrat " Maria can only have compounded her family 's displeasure when she eloped with a volatile Irish sheep shearer .
4 The men all denied charges of conspiracy to riot and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm when they went on trial in October last year .
5 Andrew Davis , who lives at Richmond Road in Oxford , denied causing grievious bodily harm when he appeared at the city 's crown court .
6 Well you tell Mummy when you need to wo n't you ?
7 When Operation Gentle Shepherd swung into action for the second time , five of the six sperm whales were coaxed by 14 rescue vessels between the islands of Swona and South Ronaldsay and were heading for the Pentland Firth when they dived beneath the waves .
8 ‘ We could find no evidence that these risks had been explicitly recognised by the department when they decided in 1988 to proceed with the system .
9 Abu Khadra showed little physical emotion when he talked about the past , but his words were carefully chosen and sometimes very angry .
10 I like to understand the meanings of words and always refer to a dictionary when I come on a new word .
11 The men had disappeared from the top of the scaffolding when she emerged into the street again .
12 One had been an Egyptian , who had tried to keep alive the Egyptian Aten religion when it looked like disappearing in Egypt itself from about the year 1315 B.C. He had chosen the Jews in Egypt as a people to whom he would teach this religion .
13 He over-valued the pound when we went into the ERM and , coupled with his insistence of achieving zero inflation , that is destroying industry , jobs , homes , families and any chance of rebuilding Britain for a better future .
14 Not short of a pound when it came to putting clothes on her back , I can tell you … ’
15 The Presidents of Yugoslavia 's six constituent republics took over from the federal presidency the principal role in negotiating Yugoslavia 's future when they began on March 28 a series of weekly summit meetings .
16 In future when I land at anything other than properly documented airfields I will ask the question : Are there any other runways or strips that look like runways in the vicinity that could be mistaken for the active runway ?
17 I shall also ensure that , in future when I land on unlicensed fields , I land as short and slow as possible .
18 On 30th September , Jesse Pring an engine driver employed at Lee 's was operating the winding drum drawing chalk trucks up the incline when he fell into the crank pit , he received severe injuries and died within the hour .
19 Starlings , which are active during the day , lock onto melatonin when it coincides with the end of their activity .
20 In other words , pre-exposure to the stimulus may both retard the acquisition of the CS-US association and act to interfere with the retrieval of the information embodied in this association when it comes to a test trial .
21 She said he had left the house in the forenoon of 24 October and been covered in blood when he returned at 3am the next day .
22 She went everywhere with us and could be fast asleep in the back of the car when we turned into our lane , whereupon she would sit up and start sniffing the air .
23 On one occasion , they locked her in the car when they went to a call and wound up the window to prevent her overhearing .
24 Fran wished that it had been further away , wished that she 'd had more time to compose herself and remove all traces of that kiss , but as she opened the door and got out of the car when they stopped in front of the neat little semi she was aware of the throbbing redness of her bruised lips , the faintly dishevelled state of her silvery hair .
25 He was the youngest driver in the field , qualified on the fifth row and was up to sixth place with 10 laps to go as leading British driver in a British car when he crashed at Copse , escaping unhurt .
26 They exchanged a few banalities and then Patrick asked : ‘ You 're quite sure you did not have golf clubs in your car when you went to Romania ? ’
27 she , she knows this car when it goes by
28 ONE of two teenagers killed in a stolen car when it crashed into a tree in west Belfast will be buried on Saturday .
29 She was still sitting motionless as a hare when they returned from the concert .
30 ( The whole school , including the teachers , always wore their hair loose when they dressed in their best robes . )
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