Example sentences of "[noun sg] do [pers pn] think [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Whose blood do you think it is really ?
2 Pete has never touched my hair in my life and there was some downstairs in that bathroom downstairs and I thought hey that looks a bit of fun , I 'll have a go at that and erm and I was outside and I took my hair down , I 'd just washed it and I said oh look , you know , I used this hair thickening shampoo do you think it looks thicker , as a joke , and he goes yeah it does actually , yeah it really does .
3 What kind of monster do you think I am ? ’
4 Suppose a law was now being considered by Parliament which you thought was really unjust and harmful ; which , if any , of the things on this card do you think you would do ?
5 but if that er risk was a material risk , what effect do you think it would have on the market ?
6 With what force do you think I should strike ? ’
7 And I see he beginning to believe , and so I go what work do you think she do ?
8 What kind of fool do you think me , not to know what 's closest to your heart ? ’
9 ‘ What kind of a fool do you think I am ! ’
10 ‘ What sort of fool do you think I am ? ’
11 Edwina Currie had rejected his advances ( ‘ What sort of girl do you think I am ? ’ ) while Emma Nicholson had not caught exactly what it was he had proposed .
12 ‘ And what sort of job do you think he should have ? ’
13 ‘ What the hell sort of a job do you think it is ?
14 If so , which sound do you think it is now , and in which way should you always write this sound from now on ?
15 What difference do you think it makes that three quarters of the news desk are women ?
16 So in the beginning do you think you were speaking about a whole afternoon and an evening to make the coffin or all day ?
17 If I 'd had a proper education do you think I 'd be driving this cab around ? ’
18 She started to spring away — ‘ What the devil do you think you 're doing ? ’ — and simultaneously glanced down at her pyjama-jacket .
19 ‘ What the devil do you think you 're doing ? ’
20 Why the devil do you think I came haring over here ?
21 ‘ What the devil do you think I want , fellow ? ’ came the irritable reply .
22 ‘ Who the heck do you think you are , ’ he shouted , ‘ The Archbishop of Canterbury or something , preaching to me about honesty ?
23 For example if I 'm looking at O-level history , ‘ What sorts of things do you think might be important , or what kinds of evidence do you think I ought to collect , or what issues do you think I ought to take into account ? ’ ’
24 Now for example if I 'm looking at O level history , what sort of things do you think might be important , or what kinds of evidence do you think I ought to collect , or what issues do you think I ought to take into account ? ’ .
25 Where in hell 's name do you think they got their hands on it ? ’
26 What in hell 's name do you think you 're doing ? ’ etc. etc .
27 Who in hell 's name do you think you are ? ’
28 Okay , if I give him the turtle do you think he 'd
29 Erm , what time of day do you think it is ?
30 What time of day do you think you call this !
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