Example sentences of "[noun sg] also [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Your NEW card also gives you the chance to collect a fantastic fortune with Vernons Pools .
2 It equally informs us that as one of the results of his ‘ innovative ’ study ‘ Gale also shows us a Darwin who relied on the help of other scholars for much of his work on species .
3 My townie taxi-driver also found it a bewildering one , for the village of Eyam , tucked away behind the hills that form Middleton Dale , is still a pretty remote and isolated spot .
4 A pedestrian zone also gives you the opportunity to wander at your leisure through the wide selection of shops .
5 The imitation also ensures them a higher future payoff by reducing the expectations of the B t 's on the A's type .
6 The exceptionally deep body also gives us an indication of the action of a bream when feeding , and this knowledge will help tremendously when interpreting the action into terminal rigs and the timing of striking the hook home .
7 The prestigious Wedgwood name also made them a propaganda target for Hitler 's forces .
8 The horns and its clean , tapering head also give it a close resemblance to the dainty Kerry cattle of Ireland and individual Gloucesters often look almost exactly like the Kerry about the head .
9 The king also gave him a tomb at Thebes , which as not yet been found .
10 Tithonus also gives us an amazingly depressing view of a human beings life and its pathetic uselessness .
11 The first day also gave us the sight of an England captain losing the toss on his birthday , the first time this has happened in the history of Test cricket .
12 Television also gave her the opportunity to stage a bravura farewell to the nation , not just to fellow MPs , in her last speech as Prime Minister .
13 The separation of the legal system from direct political control , and its apparent operation in a dispassionate rational — legal mode also make it an aspect of the fragmentation of the state which requires the most explanation .
14 E. P. Thomson in The Guardian , Jeremy Black in The Times and Paul Langford in this paper also give it the thumbs-up .
15 The eye-catchiness of collage also renders it a particularly apt medium for getting a point across effectively .
16 The eye-catchiness of collage also renders it a particularly apt medium for getting a point across effectively .
17 The incident also offered us a glimpse of the glamorous , sometimes expensive , globe trotting lifestyle of a successful wine merchant .
18 The face-to-face interaction feature of interviews which makes them such a potent source of interviewer bias also makes them an effective device for communicating concern , interest and priorities to interviewees .
19 Young and eager , he was well placed to capture the emergent UK rap scene , and his forthright personality also made him a match for America 's often egoistic rap stars .
20 The sale also gives him a £49m profit to pay for acquisitions .
21 Norma also tells us a little about each species .
22 Organic gardening also gives us a children 's book : Muck and Magic : Start Your Own Green Garden ( Search Press , March , £4.95 , 0 85532 757 X ) by Jo Readman , another name associated with Henry Doubleday .
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