Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [vb past] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The girl who lost that race at Ascot was riding him .
2 The GP who made that referral should understand the options available and the implications of his referral .
3 A SENIOR Anglican clergyman who declared that sex outside marriage should not necessarily be considered a sin has come under fire .
4 Mr Templeton said that minutes later he had spoken to a policeman who contradicted that information and said he had been told that there was someone in the building .
5 He 'd got up , and he was looking at me as if to say Coming ? supposing he was the kind of normal person who said that kind of thing .
6 ‘ You can take me to a hotel , somewhere I can stay for a couple of nights until the police can find the very sick person who sent that letter to me . ’
7 Until you find the person who sent that letter , I 'm never going to be completely safe . ’
8 One possibility is that he took the view in this case that the trust inhered in specific property , and that it was payable by the person who had that property , so far as the other conditions for a valid trust were also met .
9 Finally , what , in retrospect , did the person who lived that life consider had happened during its course ?
10 Madame Delon mentioned that the person who painted that view of the Porte des Cévennes , the one hanging in your salon , is a friend of yours ? ’
11 The bat should be thought of as analogous to the police radar trapping instrument , not to the person who designed that instrument .
12 Dad Tam : " You promise me you will never tell anybody " til " am deed that I stood for the man who made that statue . "
13 The man who played that part was Norman Lumsden , and I bumped into him when he was in Belfast last Friday to present the awards at an Action MS reception , sponsored by British Telecom .
14 By the time of Pompey , the distinction between the powers granted to an office and the authority of the man who held that office had begun to blur .
15 With special attention to the man who created that colossus — Franklin D. Hauser . ’
16 It was particularly offensive to hear the Secretary of State talking about price increases in the gas industry before privatisation , as though he were not a member of a party and Government who decreed that gas prices had to rise arbitrarily , unilaterally and unnecessarily by 10 per cent .
17 The drug cartels , in a letter to congressional president Luis Guillermo Giraldo Hurtado on Oct. 23 , 1989 , under their pseudonym the " Extraditables " , displayed previous knowledge of the Supreme Court 's ruling and asked for its recognition as part of a peace plan rejected by the government who reaffirmed that emergency extraditions would continue .
18 All too often Labour councillors dream of monuments to municipal munificence — which , incidentally , bear the name of the councillor who had that dream .
19 It is interesting that the Bank of Ireland spokesman who gave that figure should have been specific , as members will be aware that many figures have been rumoured over the past couple of months .
20 In Zambia aircraft accident investigation was the responsibility of the Director of Civil Aviation and the official who occupied that position had been appointed only the day before the accident occurred .
21 In short , comparing individuals in a survey who thought that candidate A would win with those who believed that candidate B would win would not be comparing two groups similar in all possible other respects , unlike the experiment discussed above .
22 Harvard Securities were paid to make a market in Towerbell Records , but as Tom Wilmot has pointed out , the dealer who sent that letter would not have known of the pending disaster since dealers were forbidden access to the firm 's corporate finance department by the so-called " Chinese walls " However Wilmot has sometimes blamed his dealers for breaching dealing regulations .
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