Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [verb] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well that depends on the club that he goes to , I mean if the club can afford to buy him erm I always think it 's better on the long term policy , that a rider actually rides for a club is owned by that club .
2 It has been argued that a de-clawed cat can learn to use its teeth more when grooming .
3 I do n't think the council can afford to do it now can they ?
4 EC finance ministers have now agreed that an intermediary can opt to have its customer in the country of destination account for VAT on the intermediary 's behalf .
5 Derek Birchall , a senior scientist at ICI , based in Runcorn , argues that a vital something possessed by the harder waters of the south can help to explain its lower rate of sudden heart attacks .
6 Indeed , printmaking can help to sharpen our sense of design and drawing skills and can give a welcome diversion from other work .
7 Cynics will say this will be brief , but Graham Taylor 's team can start to prove them wrong if they win today and , most probably , go top .
8 Even if the food does arrive , even if Ethiopia 's overstretched infrastructure can manage to distribute it , the drought of 1982 will have dealt a devastating blow to the country 's hopes of feeding itself .
9 But goodness can choose to change its nature if it has true freedom of will .
10 For example , a central department lacking the constitutional/legal resources to prevent ( or encourage ) a specific local initiative can attempt to get its way by withholding ( or supplying ) financial resources .
11 But your husband can afford to help you some more for the benefit agency .
12 Then , the therapist can try to shape what has been said by introducing the notion that anxiety is made up of three separate components .
13 A marriage that is stable and good will survive some rocking of the boat but , if the relationship is not soundly based , any new factor can threaten to sink it .
14 This marking-out to get an impression of the finished feature is not peculiar to concrete pools , for it will be realized that any pool made with a material that the gardener can mould to suit his whim can be assessed this way before excavations begin .
15 My right hon. Friend can choose to appoint whomsoever he thinks fit .
16 But once an instrument is recognised as being an Act of Parliament , no English court can refuse to obey it or question its validity .
17 The function of hypocrisy in the initial stage of usurping legitimacy is now clear ; once it has gained its desires , evil can afford to declare itself .
18 However , the firm can elect to have its capital assets collected in a pool .
19 We can see now that ethnicity is an important source of variation in individual experience and no studies of family life can afford to ignore it .
20 Will the hon. Gentleman explain to miners and other people in Ayrshire how the Government can try to persuade them to vote for Tories in marginal seats when Government policies , because of their privatisation obsessions , lead directly to job losses in Ayrshire ?
21 A flu vaccination can help to protect you from flu .
22 A flu vaccination can help to protect you from flu .
23 In this situation each market maker can seek to adjust its own holdings of different stocks by trading with other market makers and can do this anonymously by dealing through the IDBs .
24 THE church can pay to repair its own crumbling towers , Middlesbrough councillors have decided .
25 With sound , the garden can begin to work its magic on even the youngest ears .
26 Science can try to understand what happened in the first half billionth of a second of the life of the universe .
27 Science can try to understand what computational change turned a chimpanzee into a conscious human being .
28 In this manner the algebraist can hope to discover which features of a given system are essential and which only incidental .
29 The assessment process should take into account what the individual can do to help himself ; what informal care is available ; particular risk factors ; abilities and life style ; health … and accommodation and social support needs ( DoH , 1991a , p. 6 ) .
30 This prime data/index structure can continue to propagate itself as needed .
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