Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [vb infin] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The unacceptability of certain conversion methods is accentuated for Gandhi by his belief that all religions have elements of truth and error and that no particular religion can lay claim to a monopoly of the truth .
2 People have begun to notice that the initial pleasure can give way to spiritual and psychological disruption .
3 The most common serial port format is RS232 and , already , the sighs and groans can be heard as its mere mention can bring apoplexy to even the most experienced engineer .
4 Now that gas prices have been been freed from control , he says , the industry can guarantee supplies to utilities and industrial users .
5 The emission of hydrothermal solutions , steam and other gases without significant quantities of fragmental material or lava can give rise to minor landforms .
6 Insertion of a catheter can cause injury to the passageway between the bladder and the penis .
7 It must be easy to use , so that everyone in the personnel department can have access to it .
8 ALAN SHEARER believes both he and Ian Wright have proved their partnership can lead England to the World Cup finals .
9 For evening wear , using a gold or silver thread instead of cotton can add sparkle to your knitting .
10 Over half the subjects interviewed ( 57% ) believed that people with positive purified protein derivative ( PPD ) tuberculin test can transmit TB to others .
11 In the words of a Labour Knesset member , Avraham Burg , ‘ Neither Rabin nor Aloni can sell peace to two key sectors of the Israeli public — the Sephardim and the orthodox .
12 It is clear from Fig. 18.9 and from other similar work that the instability can give rise to well-developed ring-shaped vortices while it is still in the periodic stage .
13 Although mayonnaise can give spice to sandwiches , pancake fillings , dips , jacket potato toppings as well as salads , dieters usually resist as just one tablespoon ( 15g ) of ordinary mayonnaise contains 108 calories .
14 In the former , shocks to unionized sector can drive membership to zero and wages to the competitive level .
15 A relaxation of the ligaments in your spine combined with the effect of your changing shape on your posture can give rise to backache .
16 The local council can give grants to home owners to cover all or part of the cost of getting repair and improvement work done .
17 Depending on your age and the premium you choose starting from as little as 25p a day — the Plan can provide cover to well over £14,000 .
18 Depending on your age and choice of premium , the Plan can provide cover to well over £14,000
19 Although there are no studies for El Salvador , research in Mexico shows that the weight of the basket can cause damage to the spinal column , so that it becomes slightly twisted and exerts pressure on the uterus .
20 In the central area of the visual field distance vision can be surprisingly good , and this disparity can give rise to some particular problems in the use of vision in classroom activities .
21 Biopharm can get leech to anywhere in the world in a day .
22 No brief article can do justice to Sir Charles ' many contributions and the influence he has had .
23 Evidence of this sort can provide clues to the history and origin of the magmas themselves , and of the processes which are acting deep below the volcano .
24 For example , leakage of charged particles into the upper atmosphere of a planet can give rise to emissions of em radiation called aurora .
25 The two-way exchange of specialized knowledge can bring benefits to the school librarian , teachers and pupils .
26 There is a subtle correlation between stardom , self-confidence and sex appeal , just as the responsibility of leadership can give stature to a politician .
27 This moral incongruency can draw attention to , and throw light upon , the very process of moralizing and the role of literature therein ; which indeed are themselves well evidenced and clearly focused aspects of twelfth- to fourteenth- century intellectual speculation .
28 Sport is just one avenue , and a narrow one at that , through which a young person can achieve access to resources , prestige , wealth , feelings of self-adequacy .
29 Nickell ( 1985 ) demonstrates that such behaviour can give rise to an error-correction specification ; it is also shown that the number of lagged values of that enter the estimated model is directly dependent upon the nature of the process generating s*
30 Even so , barbel hooked in open water can tax tackle to the limit and it is foolhardy to take any chances with them .
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