Example sentences of "[noun sg] which was at the " in BNC.

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1 The fire brigade which was at the first blaze about 100 yards away extinguished the second fire in a short time .
2 She pointed to a vacant seat which was at the end of a row near the gangway .
3 Now , it was responding to what de Gaulle had called the solemn pact which was at the moment being sealed ‘ in the suffering of all and the blood of the soldiers ’ between France and the peoples of the Indochinese Union and to his belief that ‘ not for a single hour did France lose the hope and the will to recover free Indo-China ’ .
4 The uprising was put down by the action of the police and the army , and an unknown number of people were killed , among them Muhammadu Marwa Maitatsine , leader of the fanatical sect which was at the centre of the trouble .
5 Under the leadership of Paolo and Laura Mora , they reconstructed portions of fresco such as the ‘ Seraph ’ , shown in the Mantegna exhibition which was at the Royal Academy in London and which opens in New York this month .
6 I saw a white male nearest to us , in in a double bed which was at the other end of the the the bedroom .
7 So Alexander worked out a technique that not only freed him from the tendency which was at the bottom of his vocal troubles , but also cured his asthma from which he had suffered from birth .
8 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
9 As she made her way to the blue and white tiled bathroom which was at the other end of the house , there was another clap of thunder and the lightning flashed again .
10 I cycled to his house which was at the bottom end of Debenham and was right next to the River Deben .
11 Sometimes he suspected that she had even known how diminished was his remaining store of faith , that it was this essential lack and not his general inadequacy which was at the core of her disdain .
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