Example sentences of "[noun sg] which it [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The exchange may on occasion wish to maintain that it was not previously aware of a specific floor practice which it now considers undesirable .
2 * Additional information is added in a phrase or clause placed next to ( in APPOSITION with ) something already named in the sentence which it also refers to .
3 The personal scent trail which it thereby leaves provides an easily identifiable highway home .
4 Under supervision by a bankruptcy court , a firm in chapter 11 draws up a reorganisation plan which it then negotiates with the creditors while a judge arbitrates .
5 It performs a special dance , walking in a circle which it then bisects while vigorously waggling its abdomen .
6 Alternatively , where it is likely that the creditors will need to be paid before the debts can be collected , the purchaser may wish to make a retention out of part of the purchase price which it then uses for satisfying the creditors .
7 Its size , and the fact that it was printed on the Pitman Press at Bath , lead one to compare it with the ornithological publications of Poyser which it closely resembles .
8 The composer did have the opportunity to revise and shorten the Second Symphony , but it remains as long as the First , and needs a strong forward motivation which it certainly receives here .
9 The bigheaded turtle is unique in having a heavily armoured head and tail which it never attempts to draw into its shell when attacked .
10 ‘ Not just for employment which it directly provides , but also in the way in which it underpins so many rural industries .
11 It is therefore ironic that the report which it unreservedly endorses and which appears in the same issue should perpetuate the thinking I seek here to expose as muddled and erroneous .
12 It is deeply critical in particular of the exploitation of the earth which it often considers the three semitic religions are guilty of pursuing — Judaism , Christianity and Islam .
13 So far as I know , no one has denied that inflation can be , and in fact often within our experience is , caused by the Government financing part of its expenditure by the creation of additional spending power which it then exerts .
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