Example sentences of "[noun sg] which he [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Pausanias goes on to talk of stories of Theseus 's end ; irrelevantly , it seems , but it has often been thought that the subject must have been suggested by a fourth mural which he does not specify .
2 panicked by the snow which he had n't been expecting , he threw everything over and he had a job finding it all on the other side .
3 He brought back , however , the nest of an emu wren , and a parrot which he had not killed before . ’
4 David glanced across and smiled , and Juliet shot him an agonised glance which he did n't intercept .
5 One morning he also opened up the building , went upstairs and came down and there was these fresh footprints on a part of the building which he had n't been at that time and he , like myself , looked all over the building and not a soul in sight .
6 In the seventeenth century Herbert saw this kind of understanding as a form of prayer which he describes not only as " God 's breath in man returning to his birth " but as an illumination in terms which Rolle and Hilton would have recognised : Church bels beyond the starres heard , the soul 's bloud , The land of spices ; something understood .
7 Pausanias describes Cimon 's Theseion as including a picture by Mikon of Theseus at the bottom of the sea ( the subject of fig. 98 ) , and pictures of a Centauromachy and an Amazonomachy which he does not ascribe to an artist .
8 He was frequently sick , though the doctor could find nothing physically wrong with him , took to borrowing money which he did not pay back , and was averse to working or changing his clothes .
9 Again Lord Sands stated in the MacFarlane case at p540 : The contention of the Appellant involves that he is liable to Income Tax in respect of income which he does not handle and can not under any arrangement handle , which is not expended under any authority conferred by him , and over the expenditure of which he has no control .
10 It is obviously difficult for a parent to help a child through a developmental hurdle which he has not properly encompassed himself , but parents and children can grow up together , or , as we might say , children can bring up their parents .
11 Her husband is having an on-off fling which he does not openly admit , but takes little trouble to disguise
12 There were lines around her mouth and eyes , and a kind of earnestness which he did not associate with prepubertal girls .
13 Pritchard 's chief claim to fame , however , lies in his role in connection with a structure of a quite different type which he did not live to see executed — the famous Iron Bridge across the river Severn in Coalbrookdale , Shropshire .
14 He was filled with sudden admiration for a professionalism which he had not suspected she possessed .
15 The logged on user has tried to activate a DC/DCs via a package which he does not manage .
16 It seemed that he had undeservedly passed an examination which he had n't even known he was taking .
17 This affords Brown a chance to explore the planet which he believes not to be as dead as it first appears .
18 I 'm not saying it had such a positive effect on his career but it caused a lot of attention which he did n't buckle under , and I do feel a lot of people could n't have lived through that experience , but he did .
19 What caused me concern was , as I say , the slightly uncomfortable feeling that Eliot had been bounced into writing an article which he did not particularly relish doing and to which he would in any case have wished to devote much more reflection .
20 He hurried out of the house and towards the place which he had not visited for so long .
21 Soon he crossed a stream which he did not recognize .
22 What he relied on , I think , and what he always came back to was that ‘ natural ’ self which he did not understand nor at this stage want to understand , but which gave him his power .
23 The run-on line also conveys the immortal life of Tithonus which he does not want any more .
24 Husameddin 's circumstantial statement that Molla Fenari passed Ramadan 821 in the Zayniyya medrese in Cairo presumably derives from some source and , if true , would to some degree strengthen the case for Husameddin 's interpretation of the signature in so far as it would show that Molla Fenari did leave unusually early for the pilgrimage which he did not in fact make until 822 .
25 For example , he may be faced with a frightening object which he does not wish to go past , and yet is being urged on by his rider .
26 She picked up a small statuette which he had n't been aware of before .
27 He , being fully aware of Simon 's financial predicament of course , made him an offer which he did not refuse .
28 That is , in building a framework for the analysis of topic , we are not adding any machinery to the apparatus of the discourse analyst which he does not have to employ already .
29 The second major effect of the introduction of private property occurred , according to Engels , as an indirect result of the change to patriliny , a state which he did not clearly distinguish from patriarchy .
30 There are areas and times of Burton 's life which he does n't think much of and he says so .
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