Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [vb mod] [be] made " in BNC.

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1 This week Rover is officially launching its new executive car which will be made at Cowley .
2 The Steering Group believes that the development of Departmental Road Safety Plans would enhance the contribution to casualty reduction which can be made by Regional Council and Police personnel .
3 There are two types of response which can be made to the failure of company law to legitimate corporate managerial power .
4 One response which can be made to the gap which exists between the world in which Christianity came into being and the present world is to allow what is to be held to be essentially normative for the religion to reside in the past .
5 I am conscious that I speak in parable ; but all that vast organisation and provision which must be made for the old in the coming generation will bring disappointment unless the purpose at the heart of it is one that satisfies .
6 THERE is a respectable case which can be made for John Major 's unhappy decision yesterday to refuse posthumous pardons for any of the 307 British soldiers executed for military offences during the First World War .
7 It comes in interlocking 22cm square pieces and will shape itself around bumps in the terrain which can be made with earth-moving equipment before the slope is laid .
8 A national system of appraisal might also encourage the teacher unions to unite in a demand for the establishment of a Teachers ' Council which could be made responsible for regulating entry to teaching and for establishing a code of conduct ( particularly important when teachers are able , in appraisal schemes , to judge their colleagues ) .
9 Indeed , the pattern of research work in the humanities and social sciences is such that perhaps the only generalisation which can be made is that no article or book is written using only the resources of one library , still less the home library of a researcher 's institution .
10 A further point which might be made is that the concise , fluent format of the interviewer 's questions is very unlike the format of normal conversation , where false starts , hesitations and ambiguities are the norm ( Schegloff 1979 ) .
11 The second move which might be made to counter the relativistic flavour of my earlier argument would be to argue that , despite the changing discipline-bound truth criteria , the intellectual enterprise as a whole is founded on certain context-independent truth criteria .
12 One objective distinction which can be made between films is the manoeuvre being performed by the driver .
13 Evidence would have to be called as to the likely charge which would be made .
14 The controls , which laid down a minimum deposit for certain goods , restricted the amount of the finance charge which could be made and prohibited finance charges altogether for others , lingered on for a few years afterwards as part of what was still more or less a strictly managed war-time economy .
15 However , in order to avoid frustrating the purpose of the order the court imposed conditions upon the use which might be made of the affidavits sworn in compliance with the order .
16 ‘ In the nature of things most respondents applications for discovery in aid of restraint orders would be able to rely upon the privilege against self-incrimination and the fact that Parliament has made no special provision in this regard suggests that , in that context , restrictions upon the use which can be made of the information were accepted as being effective .
17 Rather , it provides a set of very flexible solutions which enable historians to encode whatever they will , but in a manner which can be made generally recognizable .
18 He organized chemical compounds into a series of ‘ types ’ ; but for him formulae were simply condensed recipes , and a compound which could be made in two ways might well have two different formulae .
19 This is excellent news which will be made even better if , in the next few days , her colleagues and headline writers refrain from prefacing every mention of her name with the words brave , courageous , etc. etc .
20 This extraction should be by way of a dividend , not a buy-in of any of the parent company 's shares , as the latter would not be a dividend which could be made under a group income election and would be a part-disposal of the parent company 's shares for capital gains tax purposes .
21 The brochures issued by each of the plaintiffs show that there are three types of valuation which may be made .
22 At the time this was the longest journey which could be made by tram in London and owing to rapid trolleybus conversions , the last occasion on which it was possible .
23 Unfortunately this is a calculation which can be made only very crudely since it is impossible to say with total accuracy ( even though we can make control sample comparisons ) ( a ) which clients would have been institutionalised in the absence of the project , and ( b ) whether they would have been admitted to a long-stay hospital or to residential accommodation .
24 it is worth reminding him , however , that unlike the BBC , Sky is a commercial organisation whose sole interest in cricket is with the profit which can be made from it .
25 The effect of the restraint of trade doctrine on the first type of provision is to place limits on the type of information which may be made subject to the confidentiality provision .
26 The offence concerns a statement which can be made either orally or in writing .
27 Nor have I come upon any factor to prove the truth of another assumption which may be made : to wit , that Subject A was the mother of Subject B. Experience and probability point to this being so but that is all .
28 There is not a suggestion that one of these missiles were returned ; there is not one suggestion which can be made by anybody , no matter how evilly disposed he is to the organizer of the procession or to the purpose of the procession , that any violence was offered by a member of that procession .
29 However , there is one improvement which could be made very easily .
30 Only when the agency is satisfied that they have a film which can be made for the money and will be allowed on air should it be shown to the client .
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