Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [pron] [verb] away " in BNC.

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1 In shell-shocked silence she sat , huddled in her seat as they drove away from the hospital .
2 ‘ But that does n't bother me now — in fact I sometimes stick my tongue out in reply as I drive away . ’
3 Lucy made no reply as she turned away and went to where Matt was placing zipper bags of clothing for the men into the minibus .
4 The ‘ new technology ’ — a term used to describe the computerization of the printing industry using word processors and computer-designed pages as well as the direct input of copy by the journalist into the computer ( Fig. 4.4 ) — would gravely affect employment in the industry as it did away with compositors and printers .
5 She watched Zoe 's stooped figure as she cleared away some dead summer bedding .
6 Kirov gathered phlegm in his mouth as he strode away , spitting it onto the ground as a gesture of the disgust he felt .
7 Nodding obediently — slightly idiotically — she thought , Meredith went back indoors and watched through the window as he drove away .
8 Jack wrote a poem to Warnie , urging him not to look back out of the car window as it hurtled away , leaving their childhood behind them .
9 No one would credit it ! thought Theda with an inward shudder as she went away .
10 He lost his footing as he backed away and went down heavily .
11 The blow struck only partly home , because Satan was already twisting in mid-air , trying for another bite as he dropped away .
12 Behind her she could hear the sudden roar of the car engine as he pulled away from the kerb , then the steady throb as he slowed it alongside her .
13 The only sounds were his footsteps on the stairs , the slamming of her front door followed by the noise of his car engine as it roared away from her flat .
14 The sudden snap of Joseph 's history book closing caused the senator to glance up briefly but he did n't pause in his monologue ; his abstracted gaze followed the younger boy for only a moment as he sauntered away along the deck .
15 ‘ There , ’ he said , the heavy , glossy pages staying in place as he turned away to bring the rabbit .
16 He bounced off towards Doone , who was writing in his notebook , and they were walking together to the big boatshed as I drove away .
17 He put her into bed and drew the sheets over her and Maggie came back to the reality of the lamplit room with a bang as he strode away , collecting his tools of mercy and making for the door without looking at her .
18 The first thing to remember is that as you turn the boat away from the wind , you let out the mainsheet , the sail only works properly at one angle to the wind and so it 's essential to let out the mainsheet as you bear away .
19 Laura made a mischievous move as he walked away .
20 Perhaps more significant is the thickening of oceanic lithosphere as it moves away from mid-oceanic ridges .
21 Merrill did n't hear the rest as he hurried away , before half turning to fling over his shoulder , apparently as an afterthought , ‘ Three minutes , Miss Stanton , and I 'll be with you . ’
22 Caduta 's parting words to me — she delivered them like a war bride or mother , keeping pace with my cab as it pulled away — were as follows : " Protect me , John !
23 The late afternoon sun flashed again on red and chrome as he roared away .
24 ‘ Madam my mother , pray permit me to go to my brother , ’ the prince pleaded , still at his mother 's elbow as she moved away .
25 He sat back in the taxi as it drove away .
26 He could not avoid it , he took a lungful of the diesel fumes from the taxi as it pulled away .
27 Faldo still enjoyed a three-stroke cushion , but the pumped-up Australian resembled an executioner as he hacked away at the Open champion 's lead .
28 Even though Gavin Moyle 's attacker was captured on video as he walked away , there has never been a prosecution .
29 It was not a happy journey to the car and I sat silently and unhappily in the back as we drove away , despite my friends ' jolly attempts to think up song titles with the word ‘ flask ’ in them .
30 Lee watched the policeman 's back as he walked away from her and saw Rokeya , her crimson lipstick smeared down over her chin , her navy robe ruffled and gold-trimmed , her eyes watering involuntarily .
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