Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [pron] move [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Toppling trees and clearing the undergrowth as they moved inexorably forward , they carved a thirty-feet-wide gash through the forest .
2 We lost her twice through faulty intelligence as she moved westward , but she was finally tracked down by our shore controls at Falmouth where she was apparently undergoing a mini refit .
3 She did n't have long to wait for illumination as he moved swiftly to front her , grabbing her roughly by the shoulders , holding her firmly as if he suspected she was about to take flight .
4 Lindsey gave a shaky laugh as he moved closer .
5 We in com in coming to a view on the principle of an orbital system , looked at erm those issues in very general terms and clearly erm we 'll will through the process of either a planning application or the local plan and i would say at this point that we we already have er a member commitment to include the preferred option of the County Council within the local plan as we move forward to our consultation draft next year , we would obviously look more rigorously at the the pros and cons of er particular road schemes .
6 Chuck watched Jacques Devraux enviously for a moment as he moved briskly about the camp , giving orders to the Moi .
7 Perhaps more significant is the thickening of oceanic lithosphere as it moves away from mid-oceanic ridges .
8 They put it in a bath and filmed it from above the surface of the water as it moved feebly about , but they were unable to get any detailed shots .
9 ‘ Madam my mother , pray permit me to go to my brother , ’ the prince pleaded , still at his mother 's elbow as she moved away .
10 She clung to him , passionately rained kisses down his face , easing the anguish , careering her hands down his back as he moved restlessly against her .
11 Only a mysterious , mounting , electric tightness in her stomach and her groin , a build-up of sensation so extraordinary that she clung to his hard back as he moved rhythmically , fiercely claiming possession ; she dug in her nails without conscious thought of injury , heard herself cry out in astonished delight .
12 She shook her head as she moved slowly towards him .
13 Kingdom had said much else besides that , and had concluded by asking Harry to leave the premises at once , but the echoes of one repeated phrase were all that filled Harry 's head as he moved distractedly towards the door .
14 After a while the gentle rocking as they moved smoothly over the dark water , the beauty and romance of the night , began to work a subtle magic , and unconsciously she relaxed .
15 He practises tilting his pelvis in the correct pattern as he moves forwards and backwards , and he straightens and relaxes his knees as instructed and guided .
16 Whether one uses electrical or chemical stimulation there is inevitably a gradient of intensity of stimulation as one moves away from the source .
17 She deliberately lowered her voice as they moved fractionally away from the bed .
18 Since what we see is not what we touch , and since the former are ideas in the mind , which change in size as we move forwards to some thing , the actual size he is concerned with must be that of the tangible object .
19 If you 're very lucky you might get a chance to attack advancing units in the flank as they move forward .
20 Allen held the knife ready in his hand as they moved warily forward .
21 3 The defender switches to a turning kick to the head , catching the attacker as he moves forward .
22 There was a tense silence as he moved slowly round behind me , breathing heavily .
23 Between 500 and 1000 km of north-south crustal shortening could be accounted for by an equivalent amount of lateral crustal movement arising from the ‘ ploughing ’ motion of the Indian Plate as it moved northwards and displaced lithospheric blocks in the Eurasian Plate .
24 The curly-haired Moi were wearing only breechclouts , and their naked haunches gleamed in the lamplight as they moved vigorously around the platform ; beside her pale-skinned sons , their glistening bodies looked almost black .
25 Connie 's visions of her past are expertly merged with the present as she moves backwards and forwards in time , following an order of association , not chronology .
26 Once he has learned to take steps , he can practise these at home , perhaps using the kitchen fitted surfaces for support as he moves sideways in each direction .
27 In mangrove swamps the branches send down new roots which take hold and then support the branch as it moves ever further out .
28 The palazzo itself will be dealt with later when the trip reaches its frontage , but it is worth a long look as you move past .
29 Each class as it moves away is replaced by one slightly poorer and lower ’ ( Harrison , 1983 , p. 41 ) .
30 Subsidence during this mature passive margin stage is driven by both thermal subsidence arising from the cooling of the margin as it moves away from the region of mantle upwelling located at the site of rifting , and by the isostatic loading caused by the growing wedge of sediment accumulating offshore .
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