Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [pron] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The curtains were still pulled and he placed one of the packages of groceries on the table , holding the other to his side as he went across the room and whipped back the heavy green curtains .
2 I thought it was on the right hand side as you went into village .
3 And this excitement , and the feeling of being involved in a half-guessed-at mystery , became her private obsession as she went about the house , visited the shops and looked after the children .
4 Officers saw the car as it went through a red light in Chester Road , Birmingham , at about 3 am .
5 A passer-by told officers he saw the 16-year-old bundled into a car as she went to the shops .
6 Ayling 's final words about MacQuillan echoed in Rain 's mind as they went to the stables , especially the tone of them .
7 pic in mind As you go through the motions Of
8 Wondering what would happen I tried pulling up on the boom as I went into a turn .
9 She choked and spat out some seawater and then swallowed a lungful as she went into a spasm again .
10 She was not looking in their direction , her head was turned to say something to whomever she was with , her short hair blown straight up by the wind as they went into the little newsagent 's , leaving McLeish a clear run to get Catherine back to the Yard .
11 Perceiving the Army as a protective cover for Loyalism , Catholics attacked the march as it went past the Cloned and Ballymurphy areas .
12 She said : ‘ I brushed past a girl as I went to the toilet and she yelled I 'd done it deliberately .
13 But sometimes I get cut up by another vehicle as I go for a space — and it 's always a man . ’
14 Barry 's Mum got up from the desk as they went into the waiting-room , and put her coat on .
15 Another approach being considered is to allow pupils to develop this information skill as they go through inquiry work .
16 Luke was leaning against the bar as she went down the stairs .
17 The alarm was raised by team leader Chris Bonington — who also fell 150m on steep ice as he went to Venable 's assistance , miraculously emerging with no more than a minor facial wound .
18 ‘ I hardly knew whether I would find you still here , ’ Benedict had said , catching her on the gallery as she went towards the attic stairs , burdened with a small wooden box containing the contents of Lady Merchiston 's medicine cupboard , Hector at her heels .
19 This chart indicates the ownership of equipment as we went to press in January 1991 , but the pattern is developing every few months as companies change hands .
20 Look out for the waymark on your right as you go up the lane following the edge of the Dales which consist mainly of alder and oak woodland .
21 It is the first room on the right as you go into the pub from the main front door .
22 On your right as you go towards the gate , is a curiosity .
23 The mechanic watched him out of the comer of his eye as he went from car to car , making an elaborate pretence of examining the interiors .
24 However , the LEA will be responsible for the youth , adult and careers service and could well and an enhanced role to facilitate cooperation between the different phases of education , employers , voluntary organisations and the business community — particularly in the context of the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative as it goes into its extension phase .
25 Nick clung to Carrie 's sleeve as they went through the door into a long , dark room with pointed windows .
26 His manservant turned , stared out of the doorway and caught the sounds of the priory community as it went about its daily tasks ; the clang of milk pails , the rumble of cartwheels , and beneath the liquid song of the birds , the gentle chanting of the nuns from the priory church .
27 An earpiece socket — essential for monitoring the sound as it goes onto the tape .
28 There is , however , a bigger variation of meaning as we go from one group to another .
29 When they walked into the restaurant , the owner 's wife , slight , dark and bright-eyed , came to welcome them , and there were greetings from everyone in the room as they went to their table .
30 ‘ Do n't stand around , ’ Gwen said with a grin as they went into the kitchen .
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