Example sentences of "[noun sg] had been [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 The Archdeacon did not , diplomatically , point out that the Bishop had not consulted Lord Dersingham when the living had been in his gift .
2 The plan had been for his son ( Frederick William ) Robin ( born 1936 ) , who succeeded as third earl and was himself the author of an excellent life of William Wilberforce [ q.v. ] , to complete it .
3 The boy had been in his tutelage now for two and a half years , closer far to him than to his own Lancaster kin .
4 The first move had been in his choice of the katana as the weapon of combat .
5 A nagging little voice reminded her how reticent her father had been about his past , always changing the subject abruptly so that she never learnt a thing about him .
6 The signalman , knowing that this train had been in his section for some time and was overdue , set his points and signal from the up main to the up goods loop to allow the up passenger train , following the goods , to run past without any unnecessary delay .
7 He stated that a man with an accent had been to his shop at about 1.30pm on 22 June .
8 And revenge had been in his mind when playing the joke on Music Week .
9 He had filled his pockets with stones , but the drama of the landscape had been beyond his understanding .
10 Madeleine 's second visit had been before his long slide into melancholy .
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