Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [been] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And Widnes general manager Frank Myler , insisted that no club had been in contact regarding a possible move by Davies from Naughton Park .
2 ‘ I was angry and upset to read that somebody connected with the club had been in contact with Steve Coppell .
3 Crosby blew his top after learning of the Coppell link and said yesterday : ‘ I was angry and upset to read somebody connected with the club had been in contact with Steve Coppell .
4 At the same time a change in the industrial mix had been in progress with traditional energy intensive industries in decline and service-based , high technology industries on the increase .
5 Mr Fallon said he had talked to the longest serving officials in his department who said the expansion rule had been in place as long as they had been there .
6 The future of the Swiss nuclear industry had been in doubt for a number of years , particularly since the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union [ see pp.34460-62 ] , and in 1988 the government had halted plans to build a nuclear power station at Kaiseraugst near Basel [ see p. 36499 ] .
7 In view of the conclusion which their Lordships have reached , namely , that the defendant 's conviction should be quashed and that it must be for the Court of Appeal in Jamaica to say whether a new trial should be ordered , their Lordships consider that it is unnecessary , and indeed undesirable in the interests of justice , to examine the rival contentions and the facts to which they relate with the same particularity as their Lordships would have felt bound to do if their recommendation had been in favour of dismissing the appeal .
8 Forces opposed to the President had been in control of much of the country for several months [ see pp. 37702-03 ; 37767-68 ; 37844-45 ] , with the central government 's authority largely confined to the area around the capital .
9 Cicero , whose stamina had been in doubt , could not keep his place and dropped away , but Bachelor 's Button and Pretty Polly — the mare on the stands side , her rival on the far side — were closing rapidly on the leader .
10 Gregory Pincus , the ’ father ’ of the birth control Pill ( whose previous work had been in IVF ) , decided to go into family planning after he was convinced of a ’ population explosion ’ .
11 It is fascinating to study the way that they bent the truth to promote a saleable product , yet even if the Trades Descriptions Act had been in force then , they would hardly ever have broken the law .
12 Within the German Social Democratic Party the issue had been in dispute for some time .
13 A report by Helmut Schlesinger made public on Sept. 30 indicated that the greater part of the DM44,000 million of " compulsory DM sales " by the Bundesbank in the week when the pound and the lira withdrew from the ERM had been in support of sterling ( this figure apparently excluding operations conducted on Sept. 22-23 when the franc was under particular pressure — see below ) .
14 Talks between Russia and Ukraine on Ukraine 's withdrawal from the rouble zone had been in progress since June ( for RCB-government conflict see p. 39057 ) .
15 In the event the conviction for capital murder was affirmed on the ground that ( the evidence being overwhelming ) there had been no miscarriage of justice , despite the majority 's view that the trial judge had been in error .
16 The County Council I full well remember some four years ago made a decision that once a site had been in peril , once a decision was made it should n't be brought back into the arena again .
17 It could have been worse ; since the first strike had occurred at 9.30 p.m. after the main factory work-hours , and only a skeleton-crew shift had been in operation at that time .
18 Before 1979 , 90 per cent of RX business had been in copier rental : capital realized by the sale of these machines was to be reinvested in training .
19 In response , First Edition project director Mark Hodder-Williams said that First Edition had been in operation for nine months , and had successfully provided users with an efficient , fast computer-to-computer service for exchanging a wide range of commercial documents .
20 If one looks at the figures presented at Budget time for the previous financial year , for the financial year 1967/1968 , it is pretty clear in broad terms on what scale the process had been in operation .
21 In a pre-Forum meeting between Australia and New Zealand , Australia expressed concern over the continuing allegations of human rights abuses by Papua New Guinea on Bougainville , where a secessionist guerrilla war had been in progress since 1989 .
22 In both capacities Wall had been in charge of monitoring the thrift industry since July 1987 .
23 The idea of garden festivals was imported from Europe , particularly West Germany , where the concept had been in operation since 1945 .
24 It is obvious that before the sample was obtained another form of natural selection had been in progress : earlier purchases by the public and by the booksellers themselves .
25 Said his wife had been in need of a holiday and he had been unable to get away .
26 A general strike had been in effect in the city since December , with workers and students demanding the resignation of the President and the government , which , they alleged , were harbouring former Ceausescu supporters .
27 However , after the Commissioner had been in office for a mere three months the Government introduced a Green Paper which proposed to extend her powers significantly , and under the Employment Act 1990 , section 10 , she was given power to assist members in enforcement of their common law contractual rights against the union .
28 Neither company had operated within the terms of its constitution and the loans of both companies to each other had been in breach of their respective constitutions .
29 While such world-famous names as BSA and Triumph were modestly adjusting and ‘ tarting up ’ models which in their day had been in front , the Japanese and particularly Honda looked at the situation through new eyes .
30 If on the other hand the latest version of the module had been in state 15 ( above the state inheritance boundary ) then a new unapproved version of the module would not inherit state and would enter state 10 ( the inheritance boundary ) .
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