Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [vb pp] [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 An atmosphere of fear had descended with many witnesses too afraid to come forward , she added .
2 That shift of emphasis had created amongst many people an expectation of a more fully developed social cinema .
3 The Benevolent Fund had existed for many years , but it was Harry Barber who first inaugurated in the Essex Section the Links scheme in which elderly and retired members keep in touch with each other for mutual support if required .
4 The situation had existed for many years .
5 Fear of unemployment had led to many consumers paying off their debts rather than spending .
6 The couple had lived for many years on a narrow pedestrian street known quite simply as ‘ Behind the Hill ’ ( later Paul Street ) , a useful little short-cut between Palmer Street and Catherine Hill .
7 In the seventeenth century Russia and the Ottoman empire had seemed to many European observers not altogether dissimilar ; and of the two the latter appeared until the 1680s or 1690s clearly the more powerful .
8 , ( Arthur ) Oswald ( 1868–1939 ) , journalist and heraldist , was born 3 January 1868 in London , where his family had lived for many generations , the only child of Henry Stracey Barron ( 1838–1918 ) , engineer in Constantinople , and his wife Harriet Marshall ( 1836–1918 ) .
9 The fifth decade of the German Democratic Republic had dawned with many hundreds of its citizens behind bars after the brutal suppression of demonstrations throughout the country which continued late into Saturday night .
10 Evidence that Liberals had used the movement to pursue policies favourable to their party had confirmed to many that cooperation should be neutral ( Bailey 1948 ) .
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