Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [modal v] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At first glance they may seem confining and restrictive , but more careful evaluation shows that the structure of laws enables us to live in a healthy and balanced way , in moderation and without excess .
2 For citizens , enterprises and state and non-state institutions of the other side they will create favourable frameworks for entrepreneurial and other economic activity …
3 Obviously , all ministers must have reasonable discretion in such matters , but if they depart from a clear , professional recommendation they must have good reason .
4 As a result they may become demoralized since , as Young states , ‘ Men who have lost their self-respect are liable to lose their inner vitality ’ .
5 However , it seems unlikely that in the foreseeable future they will attract sufficient students to make them viable as institutions predominantly offering courses of higher education .
6 And anybody here with the technical services department they would confirm that .
7 ‘ Even in the dark they would know that . ’
8 ‘ In the spring they 'll show green shoots , and then — But why are you so interested in roses ? ’ he asked .
9 If they replace sarcasm and cynicism with objective reporting they will become good journalists .
10 What else if I , I have to go and relieve er if I want er to only work down the cabin and it come to meal times cos we carried on dredging from six in the morning we do al all the winters round cos they eat on the dredger they used to eat three winches four winches on the dredger cos they 'd heave the dredger across the river and back again , wo when they come to meal times I used to have to go on and relieve the man what was driving that winch and I used t cos the er er chins coming round the barrel of the winch they used to override and I used to have a handle to knock them clear .
11 While these sketches tend to be exaggerated at the witnesses ' expense they may provide useful cross-examination material , particularly if you can obtain corroboration from other witnesses .
12 We have to trust the districts can trust the county the county can trust the districts and that in practice they would make this work at local plan level .
13 She said I think in practice they will make considerable input in the care of their daughter , not necessarily with the heavy physical work of care .
14 If they support the work they may provide financial help towards the cost .
15 There seems no reason why they should have to pay extra for credit , to get a benefit they would judge unnecessary .
16 Section 245 provides that if it appears to the directors that any annual accounts of the company or any directors ' report did not comply with the provisions of the Act they may prepare revised accounts or a revised report .
17 Eventually , if this person continues to avoid without receiving any help they may become housebound altogether .
18 There are many adults who 've had to face up to this problem and have , in actual fact , overcome it Susan Hampshire is one ; I believe Hans Anderson , also , has suffered from this difficulty — that with help they can overcome this and live a normal life .
19 Without ACET 's practical support at home they could spend long periods of time in hospital unnecessarily .
20 Not surprisingly , effective kings worked well with their bishops , even when their morality was the subject of open criticism : weak kings are likely to have had very much less influence on their clergy , unless like Guntram they could command some ecclesiastical respect because of their piety .
21 To a greater extent than other members of the community they can use both of these languages or " codes " , wielding their respective symbolic values strategically within conversation .
22 When kept as individuals in a mixed community they can bully other smaller species but they are in the main more peaceable than the average marine fish .
23 At any moment they might come sweeping back into the cockpit , impaling Trent or Mariana .
24 What 's in it for the businesses is this : at the moment they can see Eastern Europe as an emerging market , but it 's very difficult to get in there because the hard cash and the skills that they need do n't exist in those countries , but they want to do something , they want to demonstrate their interest , they want to make contact , and what Enterprise Europe gives them is the opportunity to make a good business contact amongst one the young generation of er of business leaders in those countries er in order , and keep those contacts in order that when they do have an opportunity to go into those markets they 've got some young people there to start off with .
25 A bell rang , and for a moment they could hear two voices arguing .
26 Unless they become tribesmen when they acquire national membership they will lack those affiliations and loyalties below the level of nation which are identical in kind to national loyalty , and which sustain and give meaning to the existence of born Libyans : a system which derives nationhood from family and tribe does not easily accommodate immigrants .
27 If the commercial banks are short of cash they will recall some of their money at call or short notice from the discount houses .
28 After a transition period they would receive cash-limited allocations from the RHA based on the number and characteristics of their resident population and would be free to purchase services from within or without the district ( subject to certain safeguards ) , from NHS , private and voluntary suppliers .
29 Explaining this they went on to say that perhaps if they did not have to put up with Keith 's trying behaviour every day until evening they might have fewer rows .
30 And er and then there used to be some houses what er we did n't live in one of them but there used to be a lot of houses what used to be railings round , and there used to be steps and you 'd go down the steps , into the And they used to c they used to live downstairs and then well of course when you 're in the house in the side the room they used to have another flight of steps to come upstairs to a l a front room or a lounge or whatever you mind to call it .
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