Example sentences of "[noun sg] but they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They 're in love with rhythm but they still believe in songs .
2 Leicester 's Geordie boss Brian Little , in contrast , paraded his strongest side but they rarely threatened Newcastle .
3 the pink bits the bit that fits onto ridge , they 've got three screws in each piece but they only need two to hold them , so I 've taken the centre one out of each one and used it to do the
4 There were modest alternatives available to an antislavery readership but they either propounded the outlook of a minority tendency as did the Anti-Slavery Advocate , edited by the Irish Garrisonian Richard Webb in the 1850s , or had a predominantly local circulation as was likely with the short-lived Anti-Slavery Watchman of Manchester produced by the Garrisonian group around George Thompson and his son-in-law F. W. Chesson , or propounded a particular remedy for slavery in the case of the Quaker Richardson family in Newcastle through the Slave 's stress on the free produce movement .
5 The sounds were muffled from up on the roof but they still bugged me so I went indoors .
6 Men in love may offer a great deal but they seldom make such a full commitment .
7 And it 's not , you know , it 's not really much chemistry in it , especially if they do n't ask you f for this er equation but they just give it to you .
8 The 1970 treaties with Russia and Poland included the mutual renunciation of force but they also marked an acceptance of the status quo in Europe ( including Germany 's division ) and of the Oder-Neisse border .
9 Not only were dancing masters expected to follow their own rules of dance but they also had to conform to the rules of the Académie Royale de Musique .
10 and people who are prepared to discuss the issue but they just do n't come out the door to where erm , the people are that need the information .
11 The great Fangio ( Arg ) was also in the Maserati team but they only had one race together as team-mates before Fangio moved on to Mercedes .
12 As far as APEX is concerned they are OK up to a point but they just want to follow the legal procedures and we want them to take some kind of militant action .
13 So but I think with this I mean this homework , that 's the only thing I do n't believe in because they 've got ta revise it which is brilliant , I mean , at the moment but they also give them three hours homework a night !
14 By the 1920s , the zaibatsu had come to dominate the newer manufacturing sectors like steel , machinery or shipbuilding but they also dominated the financial sector , owning two-thirds of banking and insurance institutions .
15 They represent a status group but they also represent class interests .
16 They also acknowledge the possibility that high education levels may well be the result of economic affluence but they still feel that a certain minimum level of education is a necessary prerequisite to the take-off stage of industrialisation .
17 They would do you on one charge but they always laid three against you and you would have no escape .
18 Their response has been to greatly enlarge the present building but they still feel they must plan to plant churches .
19 Had a word with Vic about the script and he says not to worry but they always say that at this stage , do n't they ?
20 Bruce Tigwell says … the skill of it he says is being able to read the ground and go over bumps as quickly as you can … there are more skills in this than any other form of motoring … he says it 's fun motor sport and very friendly but the competition is still high … you can not buy the vehicles off the shelf you have to make them … top speed is 115 miles an hour but they rarely get the chance to go that fast
21 Their music is too harsh for a crossover of the REM variety but they still offer a major label reasonably strong record sales and , more importantly , a fair degree of earthy , musical chic .
22 Some of them were closely connected with those already in existence but they also sprang from advances in science and technology .
23 The experiments just mentioned not only introduce a much-needed control procedure but they also extend the generality of the effect .
24 If you go along to a good quality golf course they have the score card a planner but they also have a little script that tells you about the hole .
25 Oh no , they could have a sho , er they have , they agree they 've got a say but they just feel that everything is decided so what is the point ?
26 Many can forage above ground at night but they laboriously shield themselves from predators by constructing covered run-ways , and thin crusts of mud all over the vegetation they are plundering .
27 ‘ Hirst is not for sale at any price but they just do n't seem to want to accept that .
28 They are a lottery but they probably waste less of your money than gambling on horses , and , as vices go , will not wreck your health as smoking or alcohol will .
29 The company 's 5,750 British workers had been braced for cuts all week but they still came as a devastating blow .
30 I have nerves at the start of every game but they soon disappear .
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