Example sentences of "[noun sg] but it [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 The services referred to below are described as they would relate to a Northern Ireland exporter but it should be realised that similar services are of just as much importance to importers .
2 The association has agreed to meet this expense but it will be pointed out to the Youth Club that if they are responsible for any further damage they will be required to provide the cash .
3 ‘ That 's in the future but it will be another chapter in the book and I am sure Joe is going to point a few things out to me and help me along the way .
4 These are homologues of the stipital muscles of the maxilla but it should be noted that the glossae possess no muscles corresponding to the cranial flexors of the laciniae .
5 We scrunch-dried Rachel 's hair for a casual effect but it can be blow-dried for a completely different look .
6 Now I also agree that these criteria are not of equal importance and I certainly would put the greatest weight on criterion one which is to avoid the greenbelt in fact I think it 's so important that it should n't be a criterion but it should be actually be within the preamble as it is now .
7 There wo n't be much wind but it will be cool with a temperature near eight Celsius , forty six Fahrenheit , and possibly cold enough for some sleet on the Cotswolds .
8 Bloomiehall Park A reply has been received from the Department of Recreation stating that seats will be provided near the east entrance but it would be necessary to delay their installation until the early spring of next year when financial provision can be made .
9 Bloomiehall Park A reply has been received from the Department of Recreation stating that seats will be provided near the east entrance but it would be necessary to delay their installation until the early spring of next year when financial provision can be made .
10 I enjoy band work but it can be like a habit , to the detriment of our normal lives .
11 Barnes believes he will be fit for the Test but it would be a major risk playing him .
12 According to the organiser Peter Evans , there will be a vetting committee but it will be vetting for ‘ quality rather than authenticity ’ .
13 It is connected to the record machine but it can be used to display the pictures from both machines in turn : when the record-machine is in either record or stop mode , playback from the source-machine is displayed ; when the record-machine is in playback mode , however , it has priority for the screen and its pictures are displayed .
14 ( b ) The unlawful act need not be a violent act but it must be " a dangerous act , that is , an act which is likely to injure another person " : Larkin [ 1943 ] 1 All ER 217 .
15 A computer is a wonderfully useful tool but it will be only a nuisance to your wife if all the language data is locked up on disks and she has nothing to look at in a spare five minutes .
16 It wo n't be as big as The Liar but it will be a good read at Christmas .
17 Such recycled water may not be a health hazard to the human population but it may be highly detrimental to fish .
18 The introduction of life peerages was partly designed to broaden the base of membership but it can be argued that life peers have not made as large a contribution to the work of the House as had been hoped .
19 The intention here is not to construct a full history of the post-war period but it will be necessary to examine some of the main developments in the class/collectivity/political force relationships over the post-war years , even at a cost of some over-simplification , in order to establish a basis for the fuller discussion in the following chapter of these relationships under the Thatcher government .
20 This may seem to be a gloomy picture but it must be noted that , in relation to work , age is not a large aspect of individual differences compared with natural endowment , and that increases in ability can more than compensate for small decreases in capacity .
21 I ca n't give you reduced cost advice at the moment but it may be that in two or three weeks ' time your s situation has changed to the extent where I can .
22 This monocausal approach had the advantage of clarity of distinction but it could be highly misleading as a guide to macroeconomic policy since it is perfectly conceivable that classical and Keynesian unemployment may coexist at one and the same time .
23 It will inevitably be a political process but it will be a more informed political judgement , the reformers claim , than the pure bargaining process that preceded it .
24 Obviously , that was not the case but it may be that Viola was so used to people thinking like that about her that she felt a need to assert herself as well .
25 And maybe that 's the case , or appear to be the case but it can be hurting the cause of Christ .
26 There is no precise definition of a storm but it must be noted that strong winds ( unless storm force ) or heavy rain alone do not constitute a storm .
27 This is a far from ideal measure but it can be used to compare performance over time and to establish target rates of return .
28 Personally , I would not object to payment but it would be interesting to see if all users would contribute .
29 I enjoy being a mum but it can be hard work .
30 This is usually tucked away under a fold of skin but it can be quickly erected and used as a weapon .
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