Example sentences of "[noun sg] but [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Zach gave her a withering glance but it was so overdramatic she and the others burst out laughing .
2 The quest for respectability was very much part of the drive to increase audiences generally and to ensure that motion-picture theatres were not confined to any down-town ghetto but it was also part of an even more fundamental question .
3 Eamonn de Stafort , public relations officer for SPAG , said two cattle had already died from lead poisoning but it was not certain whether dust or water pollution was responsible : ‘ What we are worried about is what will happen when the lake starts to dry up completely ’ .
4 Your Royal Highness , Ladies and Gentlemen my name 's Rod I normally masquerade as the Chief Racing Coach for the Royal Yachting Association but I 'm not here in that capacity this afternoon but the coordinator rather a grand title for the Year of Youth Sailing and I 've been asked to give you a short ten minutes or so briefing on where we 're up to with th this project this year erm I know there are many familiar faces around so I apologize to those of you that may know some of this information already .
5 But they were on this bonus system you know , they were you know on the bonus but they were n't quarry men .
6 James Kilpatrick had lost his share in the horse but he was well satisfied as he had been truly vindicated .
7 They were working side by side but there was very little exchange of ideas and observations .
8 He shared his pupils ' impatience with the history side but he was far too polite ever to express this prejudice in my presence — and he was pleased that there was somebody else in the department who was prepared to cover that part of the teaching .
9 He says it could fill a warehouse but he 's not going to .
10 In many of the analogous medieval fabliaux of a miller and two clerks , the one clerk 's designs upon the daughter are motivated by simple lust , because she is beautiful , and involve her deception too , as she is given , in the dark , what she is told is a gold ring but which is simply an iron ring off an andiron in the fireplace .
11 Well it was one big bedroom but there was more or less like a loft .
12 At one point there was real concern about his future but he is now back and playing better than when he was first picked by England . ’
13 No , no well not really Elly , trouble is I had my bag with me and erm it 's carrying it across the Underground but it 's quite a way across the Underground cos you have go
14 It 's only now that I feel that I could actually decide to have a relationship which is specifically going to be monogamous , which is a really big change for me … that makes me think immediately of AIDS but I 'm not sure .
15 I tried to have a word with the Cashier but he was n't talking .
16 And I get them er , I thought they were on the seat but they 're not .
17 There was a lot of blood but it was n't deep .
18 And I 'm sure that there is a the thing is , it 's quite a nice photograph but I 'm not too happy with the actual view .
19 There 'll be a photograph but there 's not much doubt about the winner .
20 ‘ In a recent match , we were kicked off the park by the opposition but there 's very little we can do about it .
21 The second problem is that even if we are able to provide functionality with replacement materials , we have to place them within , and thereby create an interface with , the tissues of the body which are extremely aggressive to any invading agent but which are also exquisitely sensitive to their presence .
22 By the turn of the century the Free Church Movement presented an imposing facade but it was only a facade .
23 He had hoped there would be time for a quick cup of tea but it was n't to be .
24 Cos they 're not gon na get a brilliant car but they 're certainly gon na get an alright one .
25 thought that was him in the car but it was n't cos
26 We got into the car but I was still watching the plane .
27 To some it will seem perverse to choose to inhabit that village-world of rural prejudice but I was never a town-child and the Scottish cities in particular hold no charms for me .
28 ‘ They were n't carrying any ID but they 're almost certainly Zimbalan .
29 It is liable no doubt to be avoided for fraud but it is still a good contract … ’
30 And West Germany of course , has had ten years of massive growth in nuclear power , I do n't hear the Green movement pressing us to imitate that ; they want the end result but they 're not prepared to wield the means .
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