Example sentences of "[noun sg] 's [noun] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Now , it 's every song-writer 's dream that Frank Sinatra will ask you for a song , and I had one all ready .
2 On Europe , to put it beyond all doubt in this House , in the country , and on the continent , will my right hon. Friend reaffirm that it is the policy of Her Majesty 's Government that Britain shall not go down the route of a federal Europe and that it is for Britain to decide on the future of her own currency ?
3 The opposition 's agreement that Tshisekedi should remain its sole candidate for the post of Prime Minister was breached by an offer from Jean Nguza Karl I Bond , leader of the Union of Federalists and Independent Republicans ( UFERI ) , to act as interim prime minister under Mobutu .
4 How does the Prime Minister think that the Government can respond to the Mayor 's request that Bexley council be given the power to close that fascist headquarters before more lives are lost ?
5 The same critic 's remark that Massine had captured the essence of Brahms ' fourth Symphony by ‘ repetitions , balancing and treatment of episodes ’ should be clarified .
6 More pertinent perhaps , since it casts light upon the vexed question of syntax ( the rule-governed combination of several words into a meaningful whole ) was Terrace 's conclusion that Nim and similar Ameslan apes , despite appearances , were unable to improve upon the meaning of two-sign utterances since longer sets were merely repetitious or random .
7 One must , however , question d'Ohsson 's and Hammer 's statements that Hizir Bey became the premier Mufti , and , as is explicit in d'Ohsson and implicit in Hammer , that it is in his time that the office of Mufti originated or at least first gained importance .
8 He refuses to accept ESC 's argument that Macbeth is usually played without an interval .
9 Furthermore , although Anne 's pregnancy may well have determined the exact timing of the Act of Appeals , the statute 's assertion that England was an empire was by then well-established government policy and echoed arguments formulated several years earlier .
10 I WAS astonished by your expert 's view that Jerry Hall had considerable claim to Mick Jagger 's fortune , even as a common-law wife .
11 The CPSU central committee 's decision that Gorbachev should visit Lithuania was taken at a plenum on Dec. 25-26 , held to discuss the CPL independence declaration .
12 He had seen from the Select Committee 's Report that Scott had studied the Greek and Italian styles as well as Gothic and , being ‘ a person of great talent ’ , he hoped he would put ‘ a more lively and enlightened front to his buildings ’ .
13 Most interesting of all is the Queen 's order that Mr Dobson , the Clerk of Statutes , should pay £100 per annum to Lady Denny for his office .
14 It was in the Queen 's Pool that Laura and 18-year-old Paul Smith led Southend to a clean sweep of all the championships .
15 What the GLC were hoping to do with London 's transport system now looks quite farsighted , and the learned judge 's remark that Ken Livingstone ‘ had made a naked grasp for power that must not be allowed ’ just silly .
16 Ruth was glad for her mistress 's sake that Mrs Barnet seemed so friendly .
17 It is clear from this afternoon 's exchanges that Kenya has many friends in all parts of the House .
18 So this afternoon 's news that Paul Getty is prepared to give a million pounds to help construct a building to house the mediaeval map and chained library has presented the townfolk here with yet another opportunity of keeping their heritage intact .
19 Newspapers , he adds in the chapter , were told by the Prince 's friends that Diana was a ‘ meglomaniac . ’
20 In fact it was from Vic Furlong 's shop that David bought his first saxaphone .
21 He seems later to have returned ; possibly an attempt on the throne was being planned when he died , for the C text 's statement that Cnut afterwards had him killed is followed by Florence , who adds that he was betrayed by those he held dearest .
22 Medcalf goes even further , quoting a clinician 's opinion that Hoccleve suffered several episodes of a manic form of affective psychosis .
23 It was during her sister 's romance that Diana first came into the path of the man considered then to be the world 's most eligible bachelor .
24 On the Cuban Foreign Ministry 's accusation that Fernández Ordoñez was acting like a " colonial administrator " , Spain immediately recalled its ambassador for consultations and suspended US$2,500,000 in aid , and urged the other European Community ( EC ) countries to do likewise .
25 Another hurdle is the resistance 's demand that Mr Hun Sen 's government in Phnom Penh dissolve itself and form a provisional government with the guerrilla factions .
26 And the god , speaking in his high falsetto voice through the medium of the dhāmi , said without a moment 's hesitation that Kalchu 's bull 's time had come , and there was nothing any of us could do to save it now .
27 The General 's hope that France could play a major international role was undermined by the country 's economic and military weakness .
28 I always really wanted one but the trouble was they were 70 quid a pop , which I certainly could n't afford on a Saturday lad 's money — even the Saturday lad 's money that Malcolm paid .
29 It crossed Rain 's mind that Eliot might have planned all along that Harbury should help but that Shildon had proposed her instead .
30 Now at this stage er it is the plaintiff 's case that Mr er considered that this caused major financial problems , because the property at Frinton was simply not one that was open to him to offer as security , it was clear that the bank would now as he saw it , on the deal that he understood that he 'd struck and he knew that without the bank 's help he would not be able to er proceed with this purchase and operate he business in the way he had wished to .
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