Example sentences of "[noun sg] 's [noun] be the " in BNC.

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1 The Soil Association 's symbol is the consumer 's only guarantee that the food being offered for sale is truly organic and worth the premium that is demanded for foods produced in this way .
2 The horse 's temperament is the inherited part of its personality .
3 The wind in the trees and the whistle of his horse 's breath were the only sounds to break the silence of the night .
4 For the priests , in fact , were doing exactly the same trick , and probably by exactly the same means , as the old East Anglian and Scottish horsemen who made out and actually believed that the horse 's immobility was the result of some secret and magical device they had resorted to .
5 The aims of religion 's God are the same as the aims of reason — love of mankind and decrease in suffering .
6 Each side will probably already be covered under appropriate employers ' , occupiers ' and public liability policies , and , since the liability to be covered in each side 's case is the same type , the shift from one side to the other will not result in an overall increase of premiums .
7 The other aspect of the 1991 World Cup that certainly caught the TV watcher 's eye was the inconsistency among the referees .
8 The physicist 's problem is the problem of ultimate origins and ultimate natural laws .
9 He said : ‘ The defendant 's mother was the subject of interest to the police on this occasion as well .
10 One of the keys to the club 's success is the communication between members and the Club management .
11 The club 's pivot was the drama : its master was Leo Lloyd — the second of those men who were to promote the career of so many boys and girls from the Afan valley .
12 To me resignation is a priceless liberation , for with it I have taken the first big step to that place where I may hope to wash my hands of what in my mind 's eye is the blood of millions of poor and starving peoples .
13 One of the most important of a lawyer 's accomplishments is the ability to resolve facts into their legal categories .
14 The principal objects in the lawyer 's discourse were the jointly-owned house and the possible tenancy-in-common .
15 And the priest 's garb is the disguise that fooled the Germans .
16 At the head of Her Majesty 's Inspectorate is the senior chief inspector , with seven chief inspectors under him or her , each of whom is responsible for co-ordinating the work of staff and divisional inspectors in several areas of education ( one chief inspector is responsible for pre-school and primary education , educational disadvantage and multiracial education , for example ; and another for the curriculum 5–16 , local advisory services , LEA inspections and independent schools ) .
17 Thus , recognition by Her Majesty 's Government was the decisive matter and the courts had no role save to inquire of the executive whether or not it had recognised the government in question .
18 All we are left with in this critic 's eyes is the drama of one simple and honourable man created by what seemed at first a ‘ carefully studied impersonation ’ but what became a very moving performance by Muni .
19 One gratifying feeling brought back by the Institution 's delegates was the high regard in which the RNLI is held .
20 But the most striking anomaly of Labour 's plans is the way it treats millionaires living off unearned income .
21 Labour 's programme is the most repellent in its history , and being repellent is even worse than being extreme .
22 Presidents usually nominate persons of the same political party as themselves , but at the lower levels of the federal judiciary a critical factor in the President 's choice is the views of the senators of the state in which the appointee is to serve .
23 The album 's title is the true irony .
24 The industry 's expansion is the result of the IDA 's efforts to create a new industry to take over from the ailing assembly , light manufacturing , and textile industries that started Ireland 's industrialisation in the early 1950s .
25 Well — the argument goes — it must be because we do not think that behind the parrot 's utterance is the thought ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ .
26 Chickweed , fat hen , groundsel and shepher 's purse are the commonest annual weeds in any garden and because of their leaf pattern are easily confused , when young , with the seedlings of cultivated plants .
27 You must understand that the boat 's history is the affair of the Customs officers .
28 The Citizen 's Charter is the most far-reaching programme ever devised to improve quality in public services .
29 If repatriation is not possible , the United Nations considers that integration and settlement within a refugee 's region is the next best alternative .
30 There will certainly be concern abroad that one measure in the administration 's locker is the growth of American exports .
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