Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 A glance at the Financial Times or Money Management will reveal the large number and variety of offshore funds in existence .
2 In the future , it might be possible for us to reset our body clock to the new time zone quickly , by taking a pill containing melatonin at the appropriate time of day .
3 Although we can quickly reset our watches , our body clock takes many days to adjust , and so instructs the pineal to produce melatonin at the wrong time of day , causing jet-lag .
4 I 'm sure you 'll agree it 's a matter of going into the right stock at the right time .
5 Was the shooting at the violent times ?
6 While his explanations do not seem clearly to separate older arguments about managers under- or over-investing from the impact of the business-cycle stage itself , it does seem clear that investment at the right time , i.e. early in the product life-cycle , does lead to increased ROI if management is able to establish its product in the market place and control costs .
7 The need for insolvency at the relevant time does not apply to transactions at an undervalue entered into less than two years before the individual is adjudged bankrupt .
8 By some terrific fluke Richard came face to face with his future at the precise time he most needed to see it .
9 Apart from containing pictures of part of the scene where it is said the violent disorder had taken place and an incident leading up to the arrival of the police which was held to be part of the res gestae , the tape would have been useful to establish alibis some defendants wished to rely upon in respect of their presence in the club at a relevant time and the timing between significant incidents .
10 Harry had come into the lower doorway at the right time , and was moving up between the tables to take his normal place among the young fellows of knightly family , his peers .
11 This is particularly necessary if you are using either the VHS-C or Video 8 formats ; unlike the ubiquitous standard VHS cassettes which can be bought just about anywhere , the availability of the mini-format cassettes tends to be patchy and you risk running out of tape at an awkward time .
12 If you have to go out to deliberately buy them the chances are that you wo n't but if you buy the occasional packet when you happen to see them you can have a grand time selecting them to effect a change on a sweater at the right time .
13 It is assumed that the two defendants have committed some crime at a stated time — say between 10 and 11 p.m. last Wednesday — and have set up an alibi .
14 Rassendyll accepts the plan in a spirit of adventure and with some reluctance sacrifices his beard to the need of the moment ( a practical detail which helps veracity at the right time ) .
15 He added : ‘ The firm will continue to operate in its traditional successful style and our employees can consider their jobs to be as secure as any can be in the building industry at the present time .
16 The landlord of the Oxford Arms , a pub near Duncan Woods , stated that he heard a gunshot at the appropriate time .
17 The young man 's car , a Jensen Interceptor was out of action at the relevant time .
18 The time-honoured foam filter is a good beginner 's choice , and an excellent back-up to other systems , especially as it can be matured ( build-up a working population of bacteria ) in the tank at the same time as other systems — then moved into action at the required time should a back-up or quarantine tank become necessary .
19 For example , where possible imperatives will be interpreted as relevant to the present interaction , and thus as requests to implement some action at the present time .
20 It is assumed that for every action the operator has a purpose , the choice of the particular action at the particular time or point in the sequence is triggered by some other event , usually the successful completion of an action is indicated by a particular information presentation which also is noted on the chart .
21 It illustrates , in an acute form perhaps , the frequently encountered problem of establishing the version of a text which is in force at a given time when that text has been much amended , whether it be the latest version or the version in force at a particular date in the past .
22 Anyhow , whatever it was , maybe a little , as Jan says , he also had a f a bad flu bug at a bad time anyhow he crashed out of the computer science course and he announced that he was only regarding the computer science course as being a stepping stone to being a teacher so the sensible thing to do would be to go on to the teacher training course at Lancashire , an education course , cos that 's what he wanted to do .
23 BKZ consider that this effect of previous history results from the stored elastic energy in the configuration at a previous time and they then assume the stress at time t to be the sum of all the contributions from all .
24 We can notice , too , that the deictic aspect of the definite referring expression the sun ( the definite article being a deictic term ) is contextually ambiguous — I could use it homophorically ( the sun , generally ) or deictically ( the sun at a particular time and place ) .
25 This weakened the Section 's influence at a crucial time and correspondingly strengthened the hand of the Treasury .
26 One common criticism of the UK government during the 1950s and 1960s was that fiscal and monetary policy were conducted in such a way that these policies ultimately exerted their full influence at the wrong time .
27 But the explanation could have been phrased in a different way : it was precisely because she was pregnant that Ms Webb would be unavailable for work at the critical time .
28 After a peaceful settlement was reached " the Security Council members … will bring their active contribution to the settlement of the other problems of the region and , in particular , the Israeli-Arab conflict and the Palestinian problem by the convening at the appropriate time of an international conference … to secure the security , the stability and the development of this part of the world " .
29 A very elusive document er for many of the trade unionists who were involved in negotiations with the management at the current time .
30 Sets of boundary conditions that tell us the state of some regions of the universe at a certain time and what effects propagate into it subsequently from the rest of the universe .
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