Example sentences of "[noun sg] he come [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 WHEN Alan Fennah opened his mail he came out with the classic One Foot In The Grave line : ‘ I do not believe it ! ’
2 Then when he joined the Frank Zappa group he came down with almost every member of the band , and George Duke was at the keyboard … ’
3 Using a computer-aided image analysis technique ( Fourier analysis ) the picture he comes up with is of a membrane composed of individual subunits arranged in a hexagonal lattice .
4 To his great credit he comes up with no easy answers , but nor does he give in to glib despair .
5 Out he went once more , and back he came again with soap , towel and scrubbing brush .
6 Alan says his wife says of golfers there you are a big cup and lots of money … last week he came home with the cup but no money
7 After months of experimentation he came up with a vanilla ice cream bar on a stick , bonded with cocoa butter to a coating of chocolate .
8 I saw him take a look at the boat-house first , then , when I suppose he saw you were n't home , he went up towards the house , and after a bit he came back with a bag , you know , like Santa Claus , slung over his shoulder .
9 But of course he came out with his usual dry diatribe of er not enough Government cash .
10 And they stood at the door , and of course he come home with his cap in his hand , he said er they said oh what you do how you got on today ?
11 This stupid Lee at the moment for his exam , he 's meant to have done it by Christmas and he has n't done it for C D T , and he , they had to just choose something erm to make that actually sort of works , so Lee could n't , I mean they did crane 's and things like that and he could n't , the thing he came up with and he 's teacher was a , a go erm , what was it Dave , a goalie stand in his goal
12 Er what about that line he came out with ?
13 I 'm hearing things now that I have not heard in fifteen years that I 've been on this County Council and I would suggest erm to Mr that when he 's talking about things that this County Council ought to print , and I think the one suggestion he came up with is very sensible , he could perhaps follow up with a catalogue of those things which he considers need doing that after a hundred years have not been done .
14 Jason 'll string you a line , pretend to work flat out , but that 'll be the answer he comes up with ! ’
15 Jay hated the way he came out with things she whisked to the edges of her mind .
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