Example sentences of "[noun sg] he have give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And what he was saying seemed to be in direct conflict to the hurtful reasons for their marriage he had given her on the drawbridge yesterday .
2 She was already dutiful and anxious to please him , and she looked so pretty in a dress of sprigged cotton he 'd given her the money to buy for the wedding .
3 The TV star and founder of ChildLine said the article alleged she protected teacher Alex Standish because of help he had given her team in exposing child abuse at Crookham Court boys ' school in Thatcham , near Newbury , Berks .
4 She tried to pull her scattered thoughts into some sort of order , but all she could do was wonder if the cold , level gaze he had given her betokened indifference or anger .
5 Then , the moment he had given it up , the old Hunt returned .
6 Her backside still burned from the blistering spanking he 'd given her , and now a queue of men were gloating over her nudity through the open door .
7 It was the fright he 'd given her , of course .
8 What a strange wedding-gift he had given her too , when he came up to the manor the other afternoon , making her feel like a tenant in her own home ; which , of course , had once been his .
9 She did n't answer , for the simple reason that she could n't think of anything to say because the smile he had given her had been so totally unlike any other he had turned in her direction , so warm , and devastating , crinkling his eyes …
10 Not only had David Anthony been her grandfather 's name , but the name he had given his adopted son .
11 He reminded her of the day he 'd given her the locket and ring . ’
12 A civil servant by day he has given himself a mission : to show the rest of the world just what can be done in a glider .
13 I would be more than thankful and hopeful that I may have helped him in return for the inspiration he has given me .
14 Magritte should be canonised by the advertising industry for the inspiration he has given it ; here are some of his own rarely seen ads
15 If Peter were encouraged to despise and disbelieve the very authority he had given his life to , where would that leave him , but spinning in an abyss ?
16 Remembering the kiss he had given her after breakfast it seemed as if their relationship might at long last have changed .
17 She recalled the swift bruising kiss he had given her in the restaurant .
18 She might even have to mention the kiss he had given her .
19 Well the honourable gentleman as always makes er more than a debating point , I think he makes a serious point which er deserves to be answered , erm it is not , if I can put it this way , the intention of these orders er to turn auditors into er snoopers or narks er and to do so I think runs some very serious risks , not only of reducing and undermining the relationship between auditors and their clients , not only of imposing very substantial additional cost burdens on auditors which will have to be borne by companies and ultimately their clients , but also there has an example he 's given I think to be some difference , put it no more than that between public money and private money , even though I acknowledge that were talking here about the trusteeship in some cases of of er d er public deposits and funds .
20 When parliament heard the news of Crécy the commons ‘ thanked God for the great victory He had given their king and they said that all their money had been well spent ’ .
21 The traffic began to move again at that point , though , and to Jessamy 's relief he had to give his attention to the road ahead .
22 At the time he had assumed that she had simply contacted the address on some pretext and discovered that he had n't been there , but it was only later , when the argument had blown over , that he remembered that the address he had given his mother had been vacant .
23 She cut the ropes with the knife he 'd given her , and wondered at the strange types of deviation men dreamed up ; deviations she 'd have to endure while she worked for C 's Circus .
24 Since I did love my father and regretted that our busy lives had separated us , the chance to look after him , to give back some of the love he had given me , was in many ways terrifically satisfying .
25 I could kiss the man who told me that , two years of happiness he 's given me .
26 He had offered to top up the money he had given her before by another twenty pounds and she had accepted with polite reluctance .
27 After the events of the night she met his gaze self-consciously , grateful for the excuse he had given her to drop her eyes .
28 The blind man nodded , spoke up against the weary roar of the airstream that broke like surf on this rocky spur deep in Antarctic Mars , and in his voice was a smile , the first emotional response he 'd given them .
29 Scottish Television 's Controller of Drama , Robert Love praised her for her bravery and praised her husband for the tremendous support he had given her .
30 I said ’ Oh yes ’ and I saw the and he 'd kept the collar on , and of course he 'd given me the one that tossed his head up did n't he !
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