Example sentences of "[noun sg] he have [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , Mike , Mike and , he 's erm I do n't think he 's , I think he will be able to in future he 's got a meeting arranged tonight and he 'll be here next time .
2 With this in mind he has established a small scientific strategic and research programme to look at the analytical programme from a broader perspective .
3 There it is , God in his mercy and his love , in his graciousness he has provided a gift , a free package gift for you and for me forgiveness , salvation but there is our responsibility of receiving it or taking hold of it , of experiencing it .
4 In his fourteen years as a fancier he has converted a hobby into something of a triumphant campaign .
5 No wonder he had seemed a bit on edge .
6 He grew flowers on the graves : last winter he had started a cemetery at the bottom of the garden and stuck in a big cross for a sign .
7 Although our patient is only 6 months post-transplantation he has had a remarkably trouble free postoperative course , and immunosuppression with FK506 has probably contributed to this good early result .
8 ‘ Ever since he was a boy he has had a fear of them .
9 But I know I could remember being taken round his school and in the main hall he 'd got a glass fronted cupboard , and he 'd got all sorts of well really and truly they were just pretty pebbles .
10 As a child he had played a game with some of his friends where one child would stand behind another and put his hands round the other 's chest .
11 During the war he had adopted a neo-romantic style in his drawings of landscapes , apple trees , houses and labouring figures .
12 To the last moment he had feared a trap , but this was the fresh air before him , the dim air of the ravine he knew , hemmed in with rock on both sides between the church and the castle .
13 On one occassion he had made a huge crossbow , hoping to throw himself to the mainland , but the elastic snapped , sending him backwards into the school and he had spent two weeks finding his way out .
14 In fact , Botham did have an excuse , in that before the match he had received a death threat .
15 Before his Colette-Willy period he had contributed a weekly column of musical criticism to a Bordeaux newspaper .
16 By the Ptolemaic Period he had become a god of healing and thus was associated with Imhotep in the Theban temples of Deir el-Medina and Deir el-Bahri .
17 When he was satisfied no fresh threat was about to manifest itself from the darkness , he moved off back the way he had come , retracing his steps until he reached the shallow stream he had leapt a short time before .
18 Evening he 's earned a pint of beer I think tonight .
19 For his funeral he had made a list of people he wanted invited ( they did not include any Japanese ) , the lessons he wanted read , the hymns he wanted sung .
20 On his first excursion he 'd seen a Mercedes parked outside so he 'd turned back , returned to his hotel room further down The Street .
21 Never mind you can play the Bare Naked Lady thingummybobs and er then hopefully we go oh he 's in the shop he 's had a few customers we 'll get back to John a bit later .
22 After some months of working with him it gradually emerged that although he had indeed identified his wife 's body he had had a member of the hospital staff with him at all times .
23 Well look at this daddy he 's eaten a whole bowlful of it
24 By half-past twelve each day he had had a hunger pain .
25 One day he had taken a walk in the country , and had surprised two lovers in a wood .
26 Like Spurgeon he had worked his way up from humble beginnings — his father had been a Northumberland stone-mason — and like Spurgeon he had had a chapel built round him .
27 For almost a decade he has led a series of protest demonstrations outside abortion clinics throughout England , running foul of the law on countless occasions .
28 On that occasion he had made a case both for a tutor-organiser to increase provision for trade unionist students and also for one to develop work in the New Towns of Harlow , Stevenage , Hemel Hempstead and Hatfield .
29 On one occasion he had found a sheep 's head jammed between some of the stones .
30 Thank god he 's got a circuit breaker .
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