Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [vb mod] n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When Chelsea signed me Ian Porterfield told me that if I got in the side he would n't drop me so I want to make up for lost time . ’
2 Well yeah but he said without this card he ca n't get no money , cos he 's used what money he had to pay off the card .
3 If I have the heat up very high in the bedroom he ca n't sleep .
4 She turned to the bookcase : ‘ Those were his books , but after he had his stroke he could n't read for any length of time without tiring his eyes and I used to read to him .
5 He hurried out into the garden but to his disappointment he could n't see a pear tree anywhere let alone one with a partridge in it .
6 Christo in that car in the dark he ca n't work late , I ca n't get you over there in that car .
7 It was what Nigel wanted in theory , but in practice he could n't bear the whole thing ending acrimoniously , especially with her getting the last word .
8 Despite his fear he could n't help wanting to look over the edge of the basket but when he did was sure he saw , besides the surging of the sea , long black shadows just below the surface of the water .
9 Against the wind he ca n't get any er meat behind the clearance .
10 He wanted to improve their lot , as John Conolly was doing , but with Maud always wanting every luxury he could n't afford to leave this lucrative private madhouse .
11 Now , it was a luxury he could n't afford .
12 No wonder he ca n't bring himself to show much emotion at the news of his family 's demise .
13 No wonder he could n't understand anyone who worked for a living .
14 He says if he has a crash he wo n't know if he 's going to have to pay out or the insurance company .
15 If he was the cynosure of all eyes he did n't notice and in his present mood he would n't have been troubled if he had .
16 It 's a pity he do n't go and do that it 's a pity he ca n't drive and go and do that
17 ‘ It 's a pity he ca n't kill himself with drink , ’ muttered Heathcliff .
18 It 's a pity he could n't stick to something like that cos I mean ex-policemen can get jobs like that no trouble ca n't they ?
19 A red biplane from Crowfield had taken off and gone into a loop when he came out of the loop he could n't pull the plane level and he crashed into a field .
20 ‘ So did I , ’ said Bunny looking towards the Ladies and wondering if there could be another exit he could n't see .
21 I sometimes think that if we were back in biblical days and John the Baptist was running around looking for a wilderness he would n't go to the desert he would come to Creggan !
22 I have looked after my husband for seven years , he had a brain tumour operation nearly eight years ago , and he 's in a wheelchair he ca n't walk , but his , after the first two years of caring for him , he 's become bright enough to do the Daily Telegraph crossword , and so he 's er erm brain 's alright .
23 they 've got a girl that works there right and her name her name is Linda and they run this big machine and it 's really long and he said if she 's at the top machine he ca n't see down the other end of the machine cos her boobs are in the way and he 's got I said you do n't ask her can sh he said yeah well he said I 've got ta ask her can she move out the way , he said if she sits on the table her boobs are resting on the table , I said oh I 'd crack up .
24 If he 's a hologram machine he should n't need to eat .
25 It was n't the hard work he minded , he liked work , he liked long hours , he did n't want to slack off : it was the anxiety he could n't stand .
26 He knew Bishop was lurking around somewhere , but the Adjudicator presented no danger he could n't anticipate .
27 ‘ I never thought for a moment he would n't pull through , ’ said Alison .
28 ‘ I never thought for a moment he would n't pull through , ’ said Alison .
29 On the spur of the moment he could n't think of another Christian name .
30 For a moment he could n't think what was worrying her , until he remembered his make-up .
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