Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He bent to pick up the card he 'd been carrying then scowled at the deserted foyer .
2 In fact , when I bring in the afternoon tea , Mr Farraday is inclined to close any book or periodical he has been reading , rise and stretch out his arms in front of the windows , as though in anticipation of conversation with me .
3 Berger stood stripped to the waist in front of the wash-basin in the small bedroom he had been allocated and examined his face in the mirror .
4 Like many other boys with India in his blood he had been forced into rootlessness by education .
5 As a soldier he had been taught to err on the side of caution .
6 Climbing to his feet , the tall sheriff pocketed the small hand-mirror he had been holding to Grant 's lips .
7 The only other thing that you heard Sergeant say that some how at the briefing he 'd been given information that was likely to be in the master bedroom .
8 As a result he has been threatened with libel action and even physical violence .
9 Come and sit down , ’ he invited her , indicating the elegant stone-coloured couch he had been occupying .
10 On the nights previous to the murder he had been seen lurking outside party headquarters .
11 Very well , he reasoned , then grog jelly was not too far removed from the mandate he had been given , and no one could object to the addition of a delicious fruit sorbet .
12 He 's ma , he 's he 's er squitting It 's complete squit He 's been exposed .
13 No answer suggested itself , however , and after a minute or two he became aware that as these thoughts whirled through his mind he had been staring down at the grilles confining the Chinese coolie families .
14 Bowie has already made a name for himself as an actor in a string of top movies , including The Hunger and The Man Who Fell To Earth , but this is the TV break he has been waiting for .
15 A commodity never difficult to find , in John-William 's experience , particularly now when the Chartist leaders , who had been locked up after the troubles of 1839 , were all out of prison again ; except for that Sheffield lad , of course , who 'd died at twenty-seven , from the hard labour he 'd been put to at Northallerton jail .
16 But in 1877 , the last text overseen by the novelist , ‘ as if spoken to himself ’ becomes ‘ as if meant for himself ’ , shifting and refining nuance while involving the change of a single word in Russian , and enabling the artist to get at last the effect he had been working towards .
17 Human Touch is the album he has been working on for several years and Lucky Town a set of songs he quickly wrote and recorded at home recently , and though the tone of the two records does n't differ that much , the second set of songs are far better .
18 There was a bonus for the Everton boss in that he seems to have discovered the creative midfield force he has been lacking , and it is a player he signed during his first spell at the club five-and-a-half years ago .
19 The cab stopped at the street intersection he 'd been given , his passenger paid him , took time drawing on his gloves until the cab was gone .
20 No wonder he 's been dubbed ‘ the Ben Elton of magic ’ by Radio 1 's Steve Wright while a magazine writer said he ‘ makes Paul Daniels look like Gordon the Gopher ’ .
21 No wonder he 's been looking for an excuse to get rid of you . ’
22 During the winter he had been heartened by the success of the diminutive Peter Senior .
23 He had completed a first draft by July 1941 , but he told Hayward that he was not pleased with the result because he was over-conscious of what he was attempting to do : " he was always aware of this problem in his work , and it had effectively led him to abandon much of the poetry he had been writing in his Harvard years .
24 Truth had had to go by the board in the work he had been doing during the war and there seemed no point in insisting on using it again .
25 He concluded by referring to some work he had been doing on Tennyson .
26 He seemed in a hurry to distance himself from the work he had been doing .
27 But if you just looked at the work he 's been churning out lately , without knowing anything about his business activities , you 'd wonder what had happened to him .
28 He does n't know how to go about the work he has been put in charge of , and yet the successful solution of this case will be a great coup for him , politically .
29 The trainer now reports : ‘ Arazi is an intelligent horse , much more mature , and in his work he has been doing just what he has to do . ’
30 As it is , the only problems that clearly disturb him — as opposed to confuse him — are the nightmares and habitual sleepwalking he 's been tormented by since childhood , long before the recreational drug use kicked in .
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