Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Watch me , ’ said Amiss , as at high speed he put on the clothes Pooley had just brought him .
2 From a chest of drawers in his bedroom he drew out a clean , well-ironed white shirt and a dark blue regimental tie .
3 When confronted more directly with homophobic reactions , Minton retaliated with spirit : once at the Chelsea Arts Club he sent back a note , passed along the bar , rudely objecting to the sailor he had in tow , with the remark : ‘ You would n't mind if it was an Admiral . ’
4 Reaching into his car he hauled out the powerful pair of binoculars he always carried .
5 After finishing his apprenticeship he set up a business with this uncle , but it failed .
6 The Empress was in great beauty … the Emperor also looked very impressive , and when after the ceremony he held up the child in his arms to present him to the multitude , the enthusiasm was genuine and great .
7 At the beginning of every term he filled in a form habitually distributed to all teaching staff , requiring details of authorized absences from college ; for sabbaticals , or the marking of outside examinations , or simply because contractual staff-student contract hours had been fulfilled .
8 And when Lugard came to look back on what had been accomplished in the early years of British administration he singled out the improved character of the native rulers , which he attributed to ‘ the unceasing efforts and devoted ability of the British staff , who have by precept and example made them what they are today ’ .
9 From the top of the kitchen-dresser he took down a jar .
10 The next moment he let out a cry , of disbelief and joy , similar to hers .
11 As Polly took his place he started down the companionway .
12 To his left wing he made out a line of higher hills and headed for it .
13 When he caught up with the spectators following the last match he picked up the information that had filtered back through the crowd 's grapevine .
14 At a hospital news conference he read out a speech of thanks .
15 At a hospital news conference he read out a speech of thanks .
16 In a subsequent article he sums up the reasons for de-industrialisation as follows : ‘ The most convincing explanation ’ , he writes , ‘ of progressive de-industrialisation in the U.K. is the weakening of the foreign trade sector with a slow growth of exports relative to other countries , and in relation to the propensity to import . ’
17 From his saddlebag he took out a frayed and crease-torn map .
18 The next day he drew out the last of his savings from the bank and left for Cornwall .
19 The same day he set up a Cabinet committee to investigate such a union and Helmut Haussmann , the West German Economics Minister , presented a three-stage plan to introduce economic and monetary union by the end of 1992 .
20 The policy of austerity and a strong franc , which he had so staunchly defended for the best part of a decade ( and which had earned him such praise abroad ) , was being blamed within France for recession and for the record level of unemployment ( it broke through the symbolic 3m mark the day he handed over the reins of government ) .
21 On the platform he picks up the local rumours .
22 For nearly half a mile he went back the way he had come , only to become more lost and confused than before .
23 So Middleton did two sorties I believe , and on each occasion he brought back an aircraft that was no longer capable of flying and was a write-off , it had so much flak and fighter damage , When the same thing happened a second time I had Middleton in and told him that one of his problems was his navigator who was just not able to navigate him round the very heavy flak areas .
24 Layton put it somewhat differently when he added that ‘ the two great qualities a young writer has are his arrogance and inexperience , ’ and on another occasion he picked out the twin characteristics of ‘ precocity and independence . ’
25 Every once in a while he holds out a small portion of meat , which the Skeleton chews furiously and swallows , with the same lack of success as before .
26 In Emendatio Vitae he deals with prayer , meditation and reading in that order , but in the actual chapter on contemplation he spells out a sequence which agrees with what he tells us of his own experience and which does not contradict his account in The Form .
27 On his way drunkenly from the pub to the wood one night he fell down a railway embankment on to the line .
28 By night he lived out the fantasies he had internalised from avidly watching his collection of over 6,000 slasher videos and pornographic manga comic-books .
29 Sombre , though with a pacy , filmic sequencing he whipped up the orchestra to a marvellously stylish finale .
30 Despite the opposition of his father he took up the study of medicine , first at Leipzig University and then in Vienna , where his funds ran out , forcing him to take employment for a time with the Governor of Transylvania until he had accumulated sufficient money to continue his studies .
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