Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He pleaded for mufakat , an Islamic term for the gotong-royong he had long advocated : consensus , harmony , unity .
2 He considered it more dangerous than any horse he had ever ridden , and drove it on a tight rein , seldom exceeding 35 m.p.h .
3 A st'lyan ate up the ground like no horse he had ever encountered , and although at first he had estimated that a verst , the basic unit of Tarvarian distance , was equivalent to about a kilometre , now he realised that it was probably more than twice that .
4 He is convinced this is the best Fermanagh side he has ever played on , and adamant that the county 's emergence is no overnight success .
5 As a postgraduate physicist he had already had several requests for industrial consultancy advice resulting from his involvement in research into the behaviour of semiconductors , an area that was developing very fast .
6 He wandered into his dressing room , climbed into his costume — really , buying Mandrika 's old wardrobe had been the best investment he 'd ever made .
7 It was difficult to explain , but he 'd been uneasy for the last few minutes : not an emotion he 'd ever had much experience of before .
8 The fervent confirmation carried all the passionate intensity of the emotion he had always incited , but for a panicky moment Maria could n't remember why she hated him , and , when she did , the alien way in which her newly traitorous mind was functioning forced her to wonder why she needed to hate him .
9 Yes … ! ’ and felt him strip , the feel of his hair-roughened skin against hers driving her wild because now he was so real , so completely real , and so completely hers as they moved together naked , and she took the physical desire he expressed for her and pretended it was love , because it was the deepest display of emotion he had ever shown her .
10 The signalman in his isolated box tells the narrator of an apparition he has now seen three times .
11 He he he 's got erm a pump for the erm , hosepipe , so that when he hoses the front or the car he 's really got a spurt , yes , yes , he actually put 's the hose in one side and goes sh shoots it out again .
12 ANDY Chipling sat back and admired the computer programme he had just completed , bent down to switch on his printer at the powerpoint and stared in horror as a week 's toil disappeared off the screen .
13 During his exile he has also lived in the US and worked with migrant Mexican workers .
14 ‘ Supported by Training Department he has already run a session on coaching for 20 people or so from across all sections of the brewery .
15 As a result he has here resolved many conundrums about Ferrier 's professional career , and where possible answered queries about recording dates — though even he can not clear up discrepancies about what appears in Ferrier 's diaries on recording dates and what is to be found in Decca 's schedules of the time .
16 is Nigel erm and him and his girlfriend he 's just bought erm a maisonette down you know
17 ‘ She was the closest girlfriend he has ever had and I ca n't imagine anyone getting that near to him again . ’
18 ‘ This ? ’ said Marco , glancing at the tape he 'd just slotted .
19 In his mind he had obviously got fragments of things that he 'd heard and seen that day , there was an expression that was being called out , To arm citizens , because war had been declared .
20 However hard we try to make him into a literary archetype he remains firmly rooted in life , in nonliterary experience .
21 ‘ Just imagine him standing by the side of you , with his hands crossed before him in a Miss Mollyish style , his intended bow half a courtsey , his fat arms and legs assisting , as in duty bound ; his side glances at you every ten seconds , while he softly , sweetly and insinuatingly informs you — that he has made the arts his peculiar study for the last eight years , and that he flatters himself , by his unremitting study he has greatly contributed to their improvement ; that he came to Ambleside for that purpose ( 't is a great big lie — he came solely to get a living for himself and family , but he is too proud to acknowledge this ) and hopes that the time has been employed with equal advantage to the arts and to himself . ’
22 When she appeared in her finery at the door of his study he commented unfavourably saying that only people in mourning wore black .
23 But he had crossed the road — actually crossed the road — to tell her he thought it was the most interesting interview he had ever heard on the Parker Show .
24 Once it is made clear that the judge makes new law in these circumstances , as conventionalism insists , then it seems plausible that he should choose the rule he believes the actual legislature then in power would choose , or , failing that , the rule he believes best represents the will of the people as a whole .
25 As a schoolboy prank he leaned forward to staple the boy in front 's jacket to his chair .
26 He moves onto a review he 's just read of his book Eyes To The Hills , considers in detail the argument it follows and expresses frustration that his rigorous intellectual approach has been mistaken for pretension .
27 He left the room and in his bed he wept with a violence he had never known before , spasm following spasm .
28 He beat me 3–0 in a five-frame match , 2–0 when we doubled the money and then we played a final frame for double-your-money again and when he reached the yellow he had already won the match .
29 He was measuring the fear he had just felt .
30 His fear of the big dog suddenly increased beyond any fear he had ever known .
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