Example sentences of "[noun sg] would have been that " in BNC.

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1 Had the Israelites been polytheists , like all the other peoples of the ancient world , a natural conclusion to have drawn from the defeat would have been that their god or gods had been overcome by the gods of the Philistines .
2 My own assessment before we had the check would have been that he worked within C.N.D. because he was a committed C.N.D. member rather than working in C.N.D. in order to further the interests of the Communist Party .
3 You would have thought that the natural reaction of the teacher would have been that we ought to contact the father — better him than the nutty grandmother .
4 The only real difference would have been that since Beccaria required his punishments to be public , his offenders would have laboured in the open air during the day rather than within the confines of their prison ( presumably led out in chain-gangs ) .
5 A standard monetarist prediction of that decision would have been that it would produce two years of boom , followed by growing inflation and balance of payments deficit .
6 A few decades ago this would have been a much more controversial question than it is today , because one possible answer would have been that the Universe had always existed , and always would .
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