Example sentences of "[noun sg] would be [adj] with " in BNC.

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1 As Chairman of Ways and Means , you , Mr. Deputy Speaker , attempted to resolve the situation and eventually you made history in the House by deciding that the Committee would be quorate with just two members .
2 The Maud Committee thought half a dozen should be enough and it followed that each committee would be concerned with a wider range of matters than the existing committees .
3 While failure to establish an effective Teachers ' Council supports the view that teaching can not be regarded as a profession , the establishment of such a Council would be fraught with administrative difficulties .
4 He argued , convincingly , that noun phrases taken as a whole may quite often have a different temporal assignment from that of the verb which they accompany , as in : ( 37 ) I used to be a good friend of the police chief The underlined phrase may be understood as past relative to the time of utterance ( and hence in agreement with the time indicated by the verb ) or as present ; the two different time-values correspond to the two different continuations in : ( 38 ) … before he joined the force … until he was shot for corruption The first continuation would be compatible with an expansion of the subject phrase to the man who is the police chief , while the second would support the man who was the police chief .
5 This meant that a lot of the interchange would be verbal with no record or a remembered , inaccurate record .
6 And a subsidiary must be excluded from the consolidation if its activities are so different from those of the rest of the group that its inclusion would be incompatible with the obligation to give a true and fair view .
7 tax revenues and I should think Mill would be happy with that idea .
8 The whole place would be alight with flares , the old cotton flares with waste .
9 This was partly because of perceptions of the political complexion and potential instability of such a body , but mainly because Common Market membership would be incompatible with the spirit of the Commonwealth .
10 A strong body of moderate union opinion would be content with this .
11 Another simple deduction from Fig. 8.7(a) is that the orbit is quite eccentric ; had the orbit been circular , the velocity curve would be sinusoidal with a mean radial velocity of zero .
12 K : ‘ I am disappointed because although I bought a freezer there is only one power point in the kitchen so we ca n't use it — an extension lead would be dangerous with Chloe toddling about .
13 If we take the view that pragmatics is concerned only with grammatically encoded aspects of context ( see definition ( 8 ) above ) , then we might propose a tidy division of labour between pragmatic and sociolinguistic accounts of honorifics : pragmatics would be concerned with the meaning of honorifics ( e.g. with the specification that V encodes that the addressee is socially distant or superior ) , while sociolinguistics would be concerned with the detailed recipes for usage of such items ( e.g. the specification that amongst some segment of the speech community , V is used to aunts , uncles , teachers and so on , or whatever the local facts are ) .
14 To hold that " reckless " bears a subjective meaning would be consistent with the definition in the tort of deceit : one would not wish a person to be convicted of a crime when he would not be tortiously liable .
15 King would be delighted with a repeat performance of Friday night , with a different result .
16 Embalmers , after all , care for the dead ; whereas the cryonic technician would be concerned with the ultimate aim of reanimation .
17 A return to downland would be popular with walkers , with Britain 's 3 million paid-up members of nature conservation organisations , its 10 or 20 million ‘ green consumers ’ , with local people who now suffer spraydrift , and with consumers of water .
18 Such a code would be concerned with a commonsense size of user party , but it might equally address issues such as litter removal ( incl. bags of salt and empty whisky bottles ) , defaecating against outside walls and the drawing of genitalia in visitors ' books .
19 The UK group has a long standing commitment , made to the Hong Kong Government , to broaden the shareholder base of Hong Kong Telecom and a deal with CITIC would be consistent with that .
20 Attempts to explain this pattern would be fraught with difficulties .
21 The original idea was that the library would be symmetrical with the entrance and stairs in the centre .
22 Smirlock and Marshall ( 1983 ) take the view that each set of constraints excepting the product market is in principle a sufficient condition for efficient performance : " If any of these mechanisms [ competition among managers , owners design and monitoring of incentive schemes , capital markets ] … were to operate perfectly ( and costlessly ) , then , regardless of the output market environment , profit maximisation would be coincident with utility maximisation by managers ( p. 168 ) .
23 Gone are the days when the average man would be happy with soap on a rope in his Christmas stocking .
24 In many ways the achievement of Young and Helmholtz was that they showed , in principle , that colour vision would be possible with only three receptors , providing those receptors were most sensitive to the right colours .
25 Nevertheless , in a conciliatory statement following the announcement of the first round results heralding the HDZ victory , Tudjman professed caution on the issue of Croatian separatism , suggesting that a HDZ government would be content with Croatian sovereignty and greater independence within a confederal Yugoslavia , and would respect Serb interests .
26 Judging from its White Paper , the government would be unhappy with Bayley and Tennant 's failure to consider the interweaving of commercial services .
27 And they must do it without letting off any light , or the sky would be aglow with the death throes of neutrinos to this day .
28 By itself such music would be shattering with its evocation of primordial universality , but the Apolline particularity of the tragic myth makes the evocation bearable by giving us sublime individuals to feel for and to satisfy our sense of beauty .
29 The floor would be clear with crucks across the middle of most of the buildings supporting purlins and a ridge-piece .
30 ‘ ( 3 ) The duty imposed by subsection ( 2 ) above does not apply — ( a ) if compliance with the preference would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources ; ( b ) if the preferred school is an aided or special agreement school and compliance with the preference would be incompatible with any arrangements between the governors and the local education authority made under subsection ( 6 ) below ; or ( c ) if the arrangements for admission to the preferred school are based wholly or partly on selection by reference to ability or aptitude and compliance with the preference would be incompatible with selection under the arrangements . …
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